Thor Odinson
Name: Thor Odinson
High Concept: Asgardian God of Thunder Trouble: "Never shall the God of Thunder relent!" Aspect: Enforcer of Odin's Authority Aspect: Boisterous Mead Connoisseur
Skills: Great +4: Fight Good +3: Rapport, Athletics Fair +2: Physique, Will, Lore Average +1: Shoot, Contacts, Notice, Provoke
Mjolnir: The dwarf crafted Uru hammer of Thor channels his control over the power of storms and grants him the ability to fly as well as summon lightning. It is a formidable weapon as well that can only be lifted by one who is worthy of its might. Mjolnir grants Thor the ability to fly at his Athletics skill. Furthermore, he can use it as a ranged weapon (firing lightning bolts or throwing the hammer itself) using Shoot +2. Finally, Thor can use Mjolnir to summon storms to create uncanny advantages using his Lore skill..
Drawback: Gear that only the worthy may bear.
Collateral Damage Effect: Summon the storm. Thor may summon a mighty storm to inflict an area attack on ALL people and things within the area. Storms aren't very discriminate.
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Asgardian Nature: As a god of Norse mythology Thor is more than human in many respects. He can use his Physique at +2 to resist damage as well as for feats of strength related to brute force (knocking over towers or lifting cars).
Drawback: Subject of Odin All-Father
Collateral Damage Effect: Only the Midgard Serpent will slay me. Thor can resist all damage in a single round through his sheer stubborn will and Asgardian physique. The side effect is that the damage is reflected away from him and poses a terrible threat to everyone else in the area.
Stunts: 6
Stunts remaining: 0
Refresh: 3
Stunt breakdown: 1 for flight, 1 for shoot, 1 for +2 to shoot, 1 for summon storm, 1 for +2 physique, 1 for block.