The Prax Adventure Abridged History Page
[lots of stuff]
Having established ourselves in New Pavis and the Rubble, we secured Balastor's Barracks and Balastor himself, in the guise of an axe, now held by Jaroltor. This was perhaps the first act that got us truly noticed in the area.
[lots of stuff including our fishing expedition]
We were approached by a sorceror from the West, Arlaten, to help him defend a tower within the Rubble known as 'The Arm'. We agreed and had to fight off a Zorak Zorani Clan (Clan Ogg) that was launching a week-long heroquest against Arlaten and the tower. Although it was very close at the end, we were successful, in part due to the arrival of another stranger from the West, an accomplished warrior known as Marius who had suffered some loss of memory and was seeking a new path in the world. In defending the Arm, we dealt a major blow to the Ogg and secured an ally in Arlaten. Aware that followers of the Mad God can be great allies in the fight against the Predark, and wishing to do honour to their fallen foes, Boltar and Jaroltor took the bodies of the fallen Uz back to Clan Ogg. There they talked with the lord of the Ogg, Kruuzig Ogg, a renowned Death Lord, and it was agreed that Boltar's gang would join forces with the Ogg at a future date to fight Chaos together (which they subsequently did).
Restoring a piece of the ancient city was a milestone event for Jarol. Most fundamentally, his motivation stems from the feeling of powerlessness and loss he experienced during Starbrow's Rebellion and the first few months of his time in Prax. These feelings are shared by his compatriots, notably Merryn and Jaroltor's cousin Boltar [is Merryn a cousin too? Are we all the same clan? Memory like a sieve, me - Sam]; Boltar himself fled from the fighting during the rebellion, a secret only his cousins know. A further motivation for Jaroltor is his wish to emulate Sartarite heroes such as Saronil, Jarolor, Dorasar and Sartar, all of whom were magical builders with Mostali connections that helped bring peace and safety to the people. Jaroltor has added Lord Pavis to that list after moving to Pavis-Outside-the-Walls.
After this, we [found out about the Masks???][And went an unearthed one while semi-accompanied by interested Lunars].
Having achieved this, we realised that we could build a community within the Rubble. [RS add stuff here].
Jaroltor's ambition has become contagious. When he proposed to his friends that the Uz have lived within the walls for centuries, so should not be seen as conquerors, but rather immigrants, he found his companions receptive to the idea. Jaroltor aims to make peace with the trolls of the Rubble and integrate them into city life and the Pavis cult, the same way the Sartarite settlers were integrated. It's a big project but is one that has begun...
In seeking to unite the Masks of Pavis, we identified two, one held by the Kaggroka (the doominant Uz clan in the Rubble [add link]) and another beneath one of the ruined Arms of Pavis, within Clan Ogg territory. We divined that the Mask on Ogg territory lay beneath the ground, guarded by some ancient evil and, after much discussion, decided to seek to recover this mask first, as it might help us build a diplomatic path to negotiate with the Kaggroka Clan for access to the second. Boltar secured an audience with Kruuzig Ogg and dealt with the initial pleasantries, but handed the meat of the negotiations over to Jaroltor. It was agreed that we would delve beneath this second ruined Arm of Pavis together, that we would name the Ogg as our allies in future negotiations with Uz clans in the Rubble, and that we humans would restore the tower and man it ourselves. We swore a mighty oath on all this, held to Truth by Marius who by now had devoted himself entirely to Humakt. And we discovered that our enemy, beneath the Ogg lands, was the original Pavis City Magician, Potonis, now an acolyte of the vampire god Vivamort.
Undismayed, we returned a week later. Before dawn, Merryn uneleashed a mighty earth spirit that ploughed into the earth and opened a route for us into a subterranean complex that was littered with items stolen from the a giant infant sent down the Zola Fel in a Cradle in some past age. After some exploration, but unsure where our enemies lay, we begged direction of our gods and quickly located a shrine to Vivamort shrouded with an unnatural mist. With our Zorak Zorani allies guarding the exit, we held the ancient evil within their shrine and defeated a quartet of vamipires. While three of these turned to mist and dispersed, remaining a threat for the future, Suharo the Sorceror unleashed a mighty spell that held the City Magician himself captive until his soul could finally be separated from his body by Marius' iron death rune.
- Main Page; The Prax Adventure