Mage2e Kingsport

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Mage the Awakening 2nd Edition game set in Kingsport

Recruitment Thread

Player Characters

Pandorym as Finn Squidheadjax as Katherine Wolcott Knockingbox as Wight


Judy Kleinfelder: Chief of police of Kingsport. Amiable and friendly Charles “Chucky” Nixon: Owns the local diner. A local gossip but he has the best burgers in town. Artie Black: Mayor of town from the long established Black family he's a serious man who takes his job Penny: Owner of a fortune teller store that mostly serves tourists. A fair number of locals are customers as well though.

Mages and Sleepwalkers

XXX, Mastigos. Clavicularius. Heirarch of Arkham, is fairly hands off but still sees herself as boss. Silver Ladder. Pan. The Thrysus leader of the Mystagogues Pan constantly changes their form and is seeking new experiences. Timothy: Acanthus and leader of the Guardians of the Veil. Timothy is polite but prefers not to "get attached". Theodora. Acanthus. A member of the Sisterhood of the Blessed legacy and a Silver Ladder member. Samwise: Acanthus. A Blank Badge and prominent member of the the Free Council, though he denies being a leader and is a poor organizer. Braithwaite family. An old money family who are also a dynasty of Proximi. The family is associated with the Silver Ladder, but no members have Awoken for a hundred years. They are associated with the Mastigos. Arthur Braithwaite. Young man, 24, he has had a falling out with his family over his decision to join the Free Council. Ambitious, driven, well connected and a good organizer has made him the defacto co-leader of the Arkham Free Council. Dr. Karen Mason: A Sleepwalker and Professor at the University and Dean of students. She is partially initiated in the Mysterium. Jake. A freelance sleepwalker for hire. He has connections with various mortal occult societies and is willing to do odd jobs for money as well as hustle up ritual ingredients or participants as needed.


The Temple of the Blue Rose. A fraternal society open to men and women in Kingsport. You have to be nominated by three members to join, but they occasionally have events open to the public such as the annual Bridge tournament. Dean's. Local diner owned by Charles Nixon. The bulletin board here is one of the best places to find out about any upcoming community events.
