Mage2e Kingsport:The Daoine
The Daoine
Parentage: Acanthus
Background: Daoine share a strong belief in justice, as both an abstract concept and as a natural law (what goes around, comes around). Even before Awakening, these men and women believed there was, or should be, a cosmic force ensuring that each person gets what he or she deserves in the end.
Appearances: Not all Daoine are physically beautiful, but they often possess a magnetic presence and lordly mien that commands respect and reverence. They dress impeccably, usually in the most expensive styles their budgets can afford.
Prerequisites: Fate 2, Occult 2, two dots in one of the following Skills; Socialize, Empathy, Expression, Investigation, Intimidation
Initiation: The Fair Folk tend to recruit from those who have been selected by Fate, not caring much for the will of the future Daoine. Some hear about the Fair Folk and seek to join the Legacy. The Initiation is a game of patience, where the mentor give the student a set of mundane tasks to do to try to break their will, if they can maintain their will to join after a month, the mentor will introduce the student to the beginning of the Legacy. For those who have been selected by the Fate, the Initiation does not changed, but is backed up with blackmail or kidnapping.
Organization: The Daoine usually operate alone, or with their tutors in the case of younger, less-experienced mages. Relationships between tutors and students are either extraordinarily long-lasting or quickly and bitterly ended, with very little in between.
Theory: The Daoine are the self-employed judges of the Scales of Wyrd, that delicate web of interconnections and justice. When someone tilts the scales with a transgression, the Good Folk deliver the stark and harsh justice of Arcadia, as the faeries do in their stories that many in the modern world mis-remember as harmless children's tales.
Ruling Arcanum: Fate
Yantras: Speaking with manners and softly (+1); blessing someone without their acknowledging (+1); shouting a curse out loud (+2); using a plot twist for cursing/blessing someone (+2)
Oblations: Weaving at a loom; visiting faerie rings at the solstices or equinoxes; bringing vengeance without the use of magic on one who has wronged you; rewarding someone else’s act of generosity without that person knowing your involvement.
The Eye
Prerequisites: Initiation
The Good Folk first learn how to understand the Scales of Wyrd. This attainment mimics the effects of "Interconnections" (p. 134), allowing the mage to sense the sympathetic connections between the target and the Scales. Reach is assigned for Instant Activation and Sensory Range.
Optional: Time 1
- The fairies seems to have a knack for knowing things. With this power, when the Daoine is utilizing the 1st Attainment to sense the sympathetic connections, he can also duplicates the "Divination" (p. 187) spell. He can ask a number of questions equal to his dots in Time. Reach is assigned for Instant Activation and the additional Spell Effect.
The Fist
Prerequisites: Fate 2, Occult 3
Despite the Daoine’s curse-happy reputation, most prefer to employ more subtle means of righting wrongs, especially if the transgressor is a Sleeper. When those methods fail, however, the Daoine do not hesitate to throw hexes. This acts like "Exceptional Luck" (p. 135). There are some restrictions to this power, 1st: the Daoine needs to have studied the subject with the 1st Attainment, 2nd: He can only cast Boons on people who have uplifted the Scales in some fashion and Hexes on people who have disturbed the Scales - including wrongs or rights against the mage themself. He can either deliver this at Sensory Range or Sympathetic Range if he has Space 2. Reach is Assigned for Instant Cast, Sensory Range, and because of the restrictions, there is an extra Reach effect assigned for Advanced Duration.
Optional: Time 2
- The Daoine may supplement any use of the 2nd or the 3rd Attainment with the effect of "Hung Spell" (p. 188). The effect of the Hex/Boon only takes place when Hung Spell's duration expires, when the Mage chooses to relinquish the Hung Spell effect, or when some conditions set by the Fate 2 attainment Conditional Duration are met. Regardless, using this optional attainment always costs one point of mana. Reach is spent on Instant Activation. The Extra Reach from the Attainment is here for Advanced Duration as well.