Balazaring Character Creation

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Main Page; Bazaar Balazar


Select and record gender and a character name. Here's a handy list of Balazaring Names and how to construct them. Create something similar or pick from the list to get something you like.


Allot 84 points to the seven primary characteristics so that no characteristic is less than 8 or higher than 18. It may be easiest to make all characteristics 8 and then add an additional 28 points to them. Alternatively, set all seven characteristics to 12, then adjust one up and another down as desired until the final values are set.

In general, a score of 9-12 is average and will result in no bonuses, while scores of 13-16 provide small bonuses, and 17+ larger bonuses. Scores of 8 will result in negative adjustments. Primary characteristics are used to determine secondary characteristics and skill bonuses.

Primary Characteristics[edit]

Strength: This characteristic grants bonuses to most physical skills. It also determines the characters Damage Bonus in combat, and is the maximum number of Things a character can carry. It is possible through dedication and time to increase Strength after character creation, so long as Constitution or Size are higher than Strength. The maximum that Strength can train to is Constitution or Size.

Constitution: This is the character's base hit points. It is also the character's resistance to poison and disease. If Size is less than Strength, it is the maximum number of Things a character can carry. It is possible through dedication and time to increase Constitution after character creation, so long as Strength or Size are higher than Constitution. The maximum that Constitution can train to is Strength or Size.

Size: Size is negative modifier to may physical skills, so that small Size grants a bonus while large Size gives a penalty. Size acts as an adjustment to Hit Points. It is averaged with Strength to determine Damage Bonus. Higher Size grants bonuses in Melee Strike Rank due to the reach of the character. Size may only change after character creation due to powerful magical means.

Intelligence: This characteristic grants bonuses to most mental skills. Intelligence is the maximum number of personal spells a character may know. Intelligence cannot change after character creation.

Power: This characteristic grants a bonus to many skills. It is the character's resistance to magical attack and to spiritual attacks. It is the character's number of Magic Points with which to cast spells. Power may be permanently sacrifices in order to learn Divine Magic, the powerful secrets of gods. Power can increase naturally through play as characters interact with magic and spirits.

Dexterity: This characteristic grants bonuses to most physicals skills. It is the basis of determining Strike Rank, the order in which characters resolve combat. It is possible to train Dexterity later through diligent study.

Charisma: This characteristic grants bonuses to communication skills. Charisma grants bonuses to starting skills as more time and effort is given to children who stand out. Charisma is the cap on the number of loyal followers a character may command. It is also a cap on the number of spiritual beings a character can manage. Charisma naturally waxes and wanes with the the success of the character in play.

Secondary Characteristics[edit]

Hit Points: Hit Points are equal to Constitution adjusted by Size: -1 for Size 8, +1 for Size 13-16, +2 for Size 17+. Insert Hit Point per Location Table.

Damage Bonus: Characters with a combined Strength plus Size of 25-33 have a Damage Bonus of +1d4. Characters with a combined Strength plus Size of 34+ have a Damage Bonus of +1d6.

Maximum Encumbrance: This is equal to Strength if Strength is lower than Constitution. It is equal to the average of Strength and Constitution if Strength is higher than Constitution.

Size Strike Rank: Characters with Size 7-14 have a modifier of +2. Characters with Size 15+ have a modifier of +1.

Dexterity Strike Rank: Characters with a Dexterity 8 have a modifier of +4, those with Dexterity of 9-12 have a modifier of +3, those with Dexterity of 13-15 have a modifier of +2, and those with a Dexterity of 16-18 have a modifier of +1.

Magic Points: Magic Points are equal to Power.


Calculate the skill category bonus. This bonus is added to each skill in the category. Note your base chances of all skills.

Primary Characteristics: The bonus is +5% for a score of 13-16 in the characteristic. The bonus is +10% for a score of 17+ in the characteristic. The bonus is -5% for a score of 8 in the characteristic.

Secondary Characteristics: The bonus is +5% for a score of 17+.

Negative Characteristics: The penalty is -5% for a score of 13-16 and -10% for a score of 17+. A characteristic score of 8 receives a +5% bonus.

Secondary Negative Characteristics: The bonus is +5% for a score of 8. The penalty is -5% for a score of 17+.

Communication Skills[edit]

Communication Skill Bonus: Charisma is primary. Intelligence and Power are secondary.

Starting Communication Skills:

  • Bargain 5%
  • Oratory 5%

Knowledge Skills[edit]

Knowledge Skill Bonus: Intelligence is primary. Power is secondary.

Starting Knowledge Skills:

  • Butchering 50%
  • Evaluate 5%
  • First Aid 25%
  • Identify Healing Plants 10%
  • Train Dog 25%

Manipulation Skills[edit]

Manipulation Skill Bonus: Intelligence and Dexterity are primary. Strength and Power are secondary.

Starting Manipulation Skills:

  • Climb 50%
  • Hide Item 10%
  • Jump 45%
  • Swimming 45%
  • Trap Set/Disarm 30%

Perception Skills[edit]

Perception Skill Bonus: Intelligence is primary. Power is secondary.

Starting Perception Skills:

  • Listen 25%
  • Spot Item 10%
  • Tracking 35%

Stealth Skills[edit]

Stealth Skill Bonus: Intelligence and Dexterity are primary. Power is secondary. Size is negative.

Starting Stealth Skills:

  • Camouflage 40%
  • Hide in Cover 55%
  • Move Silently 15%

Combat Skills[edit]

Attack Skill Bonus: Intelligence and Dexterity are primary. Strength and Power are secondary.

Parry Skill Bonus: Dexterity is Primary. Strength and Power are secondary. Size is secondary negative.

Starting Combat Skills:

  • Axe (1H) 20%
  • Axe (2H) 15%
  • Bow 10%
  • Club/Mace (1H) 25%
  • Club/Mace (2H) 25%
  • Fist 25%
  • Grapple 25%
  • Kick 25%
  • Javelin 15%
  • Rock, Thrown 25%
  • Spear (1H) 10%
  • Spear (2H) 20%

Only record skills for weapons you select to start with.


All characters start with Balazaring of Intelligence x 5%.

Additional Skills[edit]

For every point of Charisma above 12, add 5% to a skill of your choice. No skill may be increased by more than 10% in this manner.


All characters are assumed to start with a basic pack that includes backpack, some rations, rope, blanket, and water skin. This has an Encumbrance of 2. They all have appropriate clothing.

Characters may choose to have light or heavy leather armor. A light leather jacket and pants has 1 AP and a total Enc 1. Characters may opt for heavy leather on the chest, abdomen, and legs with AP 2 and 1 additional Enc (total 2 Enc.) Characters may also start with a leather cap with Enc 1 and 1 AP.

Characters may choose weapons from the table below. All weapons are flint and thus armor counts double against them.


Armor Cost AP ENC Locations Notes
Leather Pants 10L 1 (2) legs and abdomen
Leather Jacket 20L 1 (2) arms and chest
Leather Pants, Heavy 20L 2 1 legs and abdomen
Leather Jacket, Heavy 30L 2/1 1 chest and arms 2 AP chest, 1 AP arms
Leather Hood 3L 1 (2) head


Type Name STR DEX Damage HP Cost Enc Length SR
Axe, One Handed Hatchet 7 7 1d6+1 15 25 1 0.4 4
One-handed Axe 13 7 1d8+2 15 40 2 0.8 3
Axe, Two Handed Battle Axe 9 7 1d8+2 15 40 2 0.8 3
Great Axe 11 7 2d6+2 15 50 2 1.2 2
Mace, One Handed Heavy Mace 13 7 1d8+2 20 40 2 0.8 3
Light Mace 7 7 1d6+2 20 15 1 0.6 3
Big Stick - 9 1d6 10 10 (2) 0.4 4
Mace, Two Handed Heavy Mace 9 7 1d8+2 20 40 2 0.8 3
Spear, One Handed Long Spear 11 9 1d8+1 15 20 3 2.5 1
Short Spear 9 7 1d6+1 15 15 2 1.8 2
Spear, Two Handed Long Spear 9 7 1d8+1 15 20 3 2.5 1
Short Spear 7 7 1d6+1 15 15 2 1.8 2

Type Name STR DEX Damage HP Cost Enc Range Rate
Axe, Throwing Throwing Axe 9 9 1d6 15 35 1 20 S/MR
Bow Self Bow 9 9 1d6+1 6 50 2 80 S/MR
Javelin Javelin 9 9 1d10 10 35 1 20 1/MR
Rock Rock - - 1d4 - 0 (4) 20 S/MR


Main Page; Bazaar Balazar