Halcyon Sheroes:Freddy's Pizzeria

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A old, rundown pizzeria in Halcyon City that is the unofficial 'base' of the Halcyon Sheroes. While it's sort of lackluster and filled with a bunch of old (and kinda creepy) animatronics from its younger days, it still serves a pizza so cheap and tasty you'll come back for more, and its overstuffed booths are really comfy. Its owner is Mike Schmidt, a somewhat muscular man with a bad limp and white hair in his early fifties who used to be a security guard for the restaurant in its heyday. When the place fell on hard times he bought it from the owners, and sort of managed to scrape by before the Halcyon Sheroes set up camp there. Thanks to their continuous patronage he's doing better these days. But sometimes ghost hunters and the like still come in to ask Mike questions about how the place burnt down a long time ago and the five children who died in it.


Belts: I cannot even begin to fathom how poorly made robots and poorly made warm bread and cheese circles are connected. It's just one more boggling thing about being meter scale.

Chains: Not at all the creepiest place I've had pizza! I don't mind the creepy stuff, seriously. Hot, fresh-ish food is just fine with me, and ghosts and weird animatronics just make it more fun.

Faith: the worst part about choosing a pizza place to hang out was redesigning the mask so I could actually eat…

Panacea: I'm really not comfortable here but the others seem to like it, so OK. Whatever's best for the team. But the psychic vibe to this place is all wrong. I could swear I see the walls drip blood out of the corner of my mind's eye sometimes. But it wouldn't be fair to just order them all to go someplace else. ...I'd better go pay up before Mike has to close out the register for the night. She-Roach is probably going to want another float first...

She-Roach: Freddy's Pizzeria is the best! Even though I've never met Freddy myself but I have met Mike and Mike makes all the food. So Mike is probably in my top ten humans. My people have been a fan of the place for a long time. The pizzas are huge and they're cheap as well apparently that's pretty important but I'm not sure who pays. Anyway there's enough food to keep all four of your hands full. Hey don't look at me that way I'm a growing gal. I've got one of those fast metabolisms so I need to eat a lot to stay strong. Also they have this thing called a Float - it is Ice Cream and a Soda. Ice Cream and a Soda! I wish we had one in Roachtropolis. *sigh*

Stray: If you sit on one side of the booth you have the stare at the creepy creepy animatronics. If you sit on the other side of the booth you have the stare at the creepy creepy animatronics' reflections in the window, which is somehow even creepier. At least the warm bread and cheese circles are good.