Firefly: Hunter's Moon - Jonesy

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Jonesy :: Mechanic


  • Pysical [d10]
  • Mental [d8]
  • Social [d6]

Trained Skills

  • Craft [d8]
  • Fight [d6]
  • Fix [d12] | Engines [d6]
  • Focus [d6]
  • Know [d6] | Black Market [d6]
  • Labor [d6]
  • Operate [d8]
  • Shoot [d10]
  • Sneak [d6]
  • Survive [d6]

Untrained Skills [d4]

  • Drive, Fly, Influence, Move, Notice, Perform, Throw, Treat, Trick


Bolded Triggers are active.

Ship's Mechanic [d8] - A ship’s a living thing, no matter what they say. You can feel when she’s sick, and she makes you proud when she’s well.

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Miracle Worker - Miracle Worker: If you replace your Fix Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.

Veteran of the Unification War [d8] - It don’t matter which side you fight on, war leaves a mark on your heart n’ soul.

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Fightin’ Type: - Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Shoot or Fight when you’re outnumbered.

Done Time [d8] - You’ve done time in the pokey. It may have changed you, but you didn’t break.

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP

Signature Assets

Customized Toolkit [d8] You learned early on in your service that you’re only as good as your toolkit, and you’ve made sure your customized kit is a gorramn bag of magic tricks. Sure, you’ve got all the standard miscellany, but you’ve also got all the tools you’ve invented on your own, the ones unique to you. With that kit, you can work miracles.

MP7 PDW [d8] The MP7 is a personal defense weapon (SMG) that Jonesy used during the war. It's lightweight, small size and minimal width is suitable for support personnel who required hands free carry of their defensive weapon while performing other tasks.


Randal Jones was born on a station in "The Halo" asteroid field in the White Sun system. His mother was a clerk and his father was a mechanic. He became an apprentice to his father where he developed his love for ships and the workings of their engines. During the Unification War he joined the Independents 12th Cav "Death from Above" where he became an engineer on the Cerberus class gunship "Banshee". He kept the ship running smooth until the Battle of Sturges where his ship was swarmed by Alliance AFAS (Alliance Fast Attack Ship) and he and his crew was captured and became POW's. During his time in captivity he made some connections that would help him with the Black Market and increased his fighting skills. When the war was over he drifted from port to port trying to find a ship to serve on .

Randal doesn't care for his first name and goes by Jonesy. He's 6'2" in his 20's, slim built. with blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He usually wears Khaki pants, t-shirts and is armed with his MP7 that he carries holstered at his side and his ship tool kit. Jonesy is outgoing and friendly especially when talking to pilots and engineers.

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