The Gods Arcem Needs:Nemausus Segovia
One of The Gods Arcem Needs
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 13 | +1 | 8+ |
Dex | 16 | +2 | 5+ |
Con | 16 | +2 | 5+ |
Int | 14 | +1 | 7+ |
Wis | 13 | +1 | 8+ |
Cha | 18 | +3 | 3+ |
- AC: 1
- HP: 10
- Movement: 30 Run
- Attacks:
- Melee/Ranged: Fiery words +4, 1d10+3
- Saves:
- Hardiness: 13+
- Evasion: 13+
- Spirit: 12+
- Immunities
- Fire
- Smoke
- Cold
- Poison
- Origin: Freed Patrian slave
- Background: Master Engineer
- Relationship: Formerly an exemplary member of a Patrian great family (Cestia)
Advancement & Influence
- XP: 0/3
- Dominion Gained: 0
- Dominion Spent: 0/2
- Current Dominion: 0
- Current Uncommitted Influence: 2/2
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
- Project Scope:
- Project Effects:
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
- Project Scope:
- Project Effects:
- (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
Words & Gifts
- Max Effort: 3
- Inherent: Dexterity set to 16.
- Liar's Flawless Grace: Your lies can never be detected as such by magic or other special abilities, including those of the Deception Word. Lesser foes will always believe them unless they are completely implausible, emotionally intolerable, or would oblige them to self-harm.
- Inherent: Heroes with the Fire Word have an invincible defence against flame and smoke. They may wield fire as a magical weapon with a range of up to 50 feet and a 1d10 damage die.
- Firewalker: Commit Effort for the scene. Instantly know the location of all flames within a mile. As an action, teleport and emerge from any larger than a candle flame with any willing companions in physical contact with you. You cannot move more than one mile total in any one hour.
- Excellence of Fire: Charisma set to 18.
- Inherent: Heroes with the Sea Word have an invincible defence against cold, can breathe water, swim at twice their normal movement rate, and see with perfect clarity underwater, regardless of available light. They may grant these benefits to their companions, except for cold immunity.
- Body of Water: Your flesh flows around dangers and encapsulates toxins. Your natural armour class is 3 and you are immune to poisons. You can apply a poison by touch if you’ve previously swallowed or been struck by a dose, thus ejecting the toxin. is AC isn't improved by shields or armour.
- Walking with the Tide: Commit Effort for the scene. Enter a body of water large enough to submerge you and emerge from any like body of water within a mile, exiting at the nearest suitable pool to your desired location. If the bodies of water are connected by waters wide enough to admit a creature of your size, the range increases to a hundred miles.
- Effort of Sea: 1 extra Effort.