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When she gets what she wants.
When she doesn't.


  • Level: 1
  • Goal: Bring the weak, impotent Terrestrial gods of Creation to heel, worshipping her instead
  • Urge: Whip up Immaculate religious fervor to sow the seeds of scandal and revolt
  • Sub-Type: Malefactor (Autocrat)
  • Sub-Type Bonus: Tongue of ruling: once per scene, they can give a command to any single lesser foe and have it obeyed instantly, provided it is not utterly contrary to the subject's nature and can be completed within the scene. This power may instead be used to compel a Mob or crowd of lesser foes, albeit the Autocrat can only command them to do something not greatly objectionable to them.
  • Patron Yozi: Cecylene
  • Secondary Yozis: Adorjan


  • Origin: A camel-breeder's daughter in Wahah, an oasis town in the Southern wastes
  • Past Career: Priestess and failed defender of Ionaka, god of the oasis feeding Wahah
  • Relationship: Flashy proponent of the Immaculate Order's spread in the periphery
  • Others:


Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Score 14 16 16 13 14 18
Modifier +1 +2 +2 +1 +1 +3
Check 7 5 5 8 7 3


Total Free
Essence 2
Influence 2 2 Earned per Month
Dominion 0 0 0
Wealth 0

Saving Throws

Base Mod Armor Penalty Final Save
Hardiness 15 -2 None 13
Evasion 15 -2 None 13
Spirit 15 -3 None 12

Hit Points

Current 10 Maximum 10


  • AC: 1
  • Type: Unarmoured
  • Shield: None
  • Description: Amaya rarely wears any clothing that could be mistaken for armor
  • Saving Throw Penalty:
    • Hardiness None
    • Evasion None
    • Spirit None


  • Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Fray Die: 1d8
Description Attribute Attack Bonus Damage
Paired Daggers Dexterity +3 1d10+2
Sling Dexterity +3 1d6+2
Shriek of Twisted Metal Charisma +4 1d10+3

Words and Divine Gifts

  • Words
    • Command: May communicate with any intelligent creature, both understanding and being understood. Commands are always understood correctly. CHA improves to 16, 18 if it was already 16
    • Music: Invulnerable immunity to the sounds she generates being muted, even by gagging or the physical excision of her vocal cords, and may summon any musical instrument she's ever used as an On Turn action. May produce music at will without interfering with any other actions she's taking. Cha improves to 16, 18 if it was already 16.
    • Endurance: No need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. Con improves to 16, 18 if it was already 16.
  • Divine Gifts
    • Shriek of Twisted Metal/On Turn: Commit Effort. Your voice or music becomes a weapon doing 1d10 base damage with a range up to 200 feet. Against rigid inanimate objects such as glass, metal, stone, or ceramics, your voice does straight damage and can make a human-sized hole two feet deep for each round's use. This does not affect objects worn or used by a creature.
    • A Chorus Like Thunder/Constant: Your voice and music penetrates any non-magical barrier and can be made audible out to ten miles per character level. You can pitch this sound so that only certain individuals or groups can hear it, and can hear any replies these listeners make so long as they are sung. This gift cannot augment attacks or offensive powers.
    • Body of Iron Will/Constant: Your natural armor class is 3. You are impervious to any natural environmental damage, such as that caused by extreme heat, cold, pressure, radiation, or vacuum. Such forces used as a weapon or hazard against you function normally. Armor or shields don't benefit this base AC.
    • Thrall-Making Shout/Action: Commit Effort for the day and give a command. If directed at a group, all lesser foes up to a Vast Mob in number instantly obey anything short of a suicidal order or a command not to defend themselves from obvious peril, provided they are not already engaged in combat against the Godbound. Obedience to this single order lasts for the scene. If directed at a single target not already fighting the Godbound, anything can be demanded of them until the Godbound releases them. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw to resist the control.
    • The Lines of Rule/On Turn: You can spot the true leader in any group or social context. In addition, you may Commit Effort; a group of NPCs who are lesser foes will instinctively obey you as if you were their superior or employer. If the strangeness of this is brought to their attention by circumstances or those unaffected, they get a Spirit saving throw.

XP and Dominion Log
