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Stats (40)

Body 5 (10) Mind 8 (16) Soul 7 (14)

Attributes (65) Healing 4 (16) Gadgets 7 (14) Power Flux Level 3 (drugs) (25) Highly Skilled 9 (8) Sixth Sense 1 (Injuries) (1)

Skills (100)

Power Usage 3 (Healing) (18) Area Knowledge 3 (12) Biological Sciences 2 (8) Domestic Arts 2 (2) Cultural Arts 2 (6) Mechanics 1 (3) Poisons 3 (6) Law 1 (3) Charm 2 (8) Medical 4 (16) Artisan 1 (3) Street Sense 2 (6) Architecture 1 (2)

Unarmed Attack 1 (5) Unarmed Defence 1 (5) Melee Attack 1 (for stabbing with the syringes) (6) Thrown Weapons 1 (drugs chuck) (4)

Emotional Connections:

Harry (or to The Doc only Harold) – Generic muscle for hire. He’s smart enough to get things done and surprisingly skilled. Need someone whacking? He can usually manage it. Goods need to disappear? Easy. Sometimes though he gets too confident. At the end of the day he is not really a big player, just smart, tough and lucky. He can’t break into a guarded mansion and kill someone, nor can he make bodies vanish. Keeps on trying to take on jobs that are beyond him and one day is going to get himself killed. Sarah – owner of The Doc’s favourite restaurant and an old friend of his. He’s known her since she was a kid and always kept an eye out for her. As she grew up she began to get involved in the seedier side of life. Despite his best efforts she fell in with a bad crowd and ended up doing some majorly messed-up things. One day she came to his surgery in the dead of night, stoned out of her mind and exceedingly pregnant. He dealt with her, looking after her for the remainder of the pregnancy period. He even managed to trace the father for what little use that was. In the end though his caring was for nothing, she slipped away one night to head for a real hospital where her child was born dead. Eventually she got over the shock of this and began working at the club now known as Sarah’s Sizzler. An over-generous client and heavily indebted boss eventually allowed her to purchase the place for herself which is now one of The Doc’s favourite locations in town.

Rat Pack Relations: Thumbs: Tough old guy. Amazing he lasted this long. Not so bad a patient, tends to have superficial damage more than anything else. I occasionally see him outside of office hours, good fellow. I suspect that for all his attitude he’s not as gruff as he makes out. Rovana: A real hedonist in a lot of ways. He’s not a particularly bad fellow but some days I worry that the life he leads is gonna cause him some real harm. If I ever get a young lady in here in a somewhat delicate situation because of him that shiny car of his is headed for an accident.

Salil: A passionate young man. A shame that he seems to direct tso much of that passion towards the ways of violence. So what if he focuses on monsters? Nothing alive deserve to face that. In another time and place he’d have been a crusader. Whether or not he fits in with this world is another matter. Ares: He never really left the SEALS behind, still thinks of each job he does like a mission. If he stops thinking like that he’ll probably cool down a lot. At least he’s clean in his work, doesn’t harm any innocent bystanders. Strange relationship he’s got going on with that nun. I’ve seen him looking at her a few times and the look on his face confuses me. What is it about her that fascinates him?

Kei: She never seems to think. Always looking for the best way to make a deal she sometimes gets so wrapped up in her bargaining that she forgets about the danger her deals may have for herself and others. However I can’t honestly believe she is actively malignant in her ways, just sometimes short-sighted. 1) Street you live on or lived on Cocytus/Kalvin Street, the halfmile block of serpentine real-estate that weaves through and back around the border between the Hawksmoore, Chairascuro and Algheri Districts, and the inhabitants thereof. One of the things that matters to him a lot. 2) The groups favoured resteraunt or pub i.e Nonnans or Jims Curry Shop Sarah's Sizzler. As far as most people are concerned the areas local equivalent of Hooters. Opened six years ago by a somewhat sleazier fellow who wanted a cross between a strip club and a bar it was bought by one of the waitresses who had a lucky night and reconverted to this. The waitress in question, Sarah, still waits on tables today, claiming that she has no head for manager-type stuff. Surprisngly to many The Doc is often seen here, when pressed for his reasons for favouring the place he simply smiles and claims that they do the best steak in the area. 3) Criminal Boss A i.e Mob Boss or arms dealer David Crag - small-time Boss without much real status amongst the criminal underworld. However is always the first with new drugs to distribute on the street. Almost the only person on Earth who the doctor would hesitate about treating, having had more patients thanks to Mr Crag's drugs than he cares to remember. 4) Criminal Boss B i.e Jade Dragon or Chesire Cat Prank - one of the most embarassing bosses in the entire city this 14 year-old inherited his fathers crime empire when the old guy croaked it. With his age and tendency towards stupidly obvious crimes he would have been gutted years ago where it not for two important factors. The first his devoted uncle, James "Soft Hands" Tyler, who loves little Prank like his own son and will quite happily throttle anyone stupid enough to look at the kid the wrong way. The second is the fact that young Prank is a sadistic loon. He happily will kill whole opposing gangs in gruesome fashions, favouring making examples of any he can catch until the whole gang finally are dumb enough to sue for peace. This is normally when they are wiped out "cause they're no fun no more." 5) Social cause i.e anti-racism, pro-defending women, hate the Raith Family Hipocratic Oath (have I spelt that right?) He will treat anyone who comes asking for it.

2) A positive connction with the Cerasi Cathedral, one of the 57 nuns or 14 priests that live there, or the Cersai Orphanage they run in the Inferno. The orphanage. Usually heads there to give the kids their regular check ups. Has a reasonable relationship with most of the nuns and priests insomuch as he remembers all of their names. 4) A friendship, pay-for-data or gruding respect for Paul Revenge, renegade cop and the last true source of justice in Baroque Friendship. Patched the fellow up a few times, will occasionally share a steak with him at Sarah's. Admires him greatly for his sticking to his own code yet fears that it will be the death of him. 5) Some generally positive relationship with the armsdealer and Sufi mystic, Malachi, the Magnificent Strange fellow this one. Doc’s never been sure what to make of him but is vaguely aware that he deals in weirder stuff than the average guy. Any time Doc has been short some particularly odd ingredients for his remedies this guy has been able to get them for him. 6) Cocytus/Kalvin Street, the halfmile block of serpentine real-estate that weaves through and back around the border between the Hawksmoore, Chairascuro and Algheri Districts, and the inhabitants thereof. Doc’s been living in the street for a good long while now. And he is determined to keep it safe as best he can. Although he has seen it degenerate a lot over the years he still knows it is a good place with good people.