MagicWorld1932:Grik Grak

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Name: Grik Grak
TL: 6; Western Cultural Familiarity; Native Tongue – English; Other – none

Theme: Gunman; Motivation: Accidental Change; Know thy Enemy: Cryptozoology; Race: Human –Changeling ‘Ogre’ (American Causation); Age: 24; Sex: Male

ST: 19* [81]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 9 [-20]; HT 12 [20]

BL: 72lbs; Sw/Th: 3d+1/2d-1; HP: 29* [18]; FP: 12 [0]; Will: 11 [10]; Per: 12 [15]; Base Speed: 6.25 [0], Move: 7 [0]; Size +1

  • Size modifier (-10%)

Advantages: Ambidexterity [5]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Damage Resistance 3 (thick skin -40%) [9]; Extra Attack 1 [25]; Fit [5]; Luck [15]; Quick Reload (magazine) [1]

Disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly) [-8]; Code of Honor (Soldier) [-10]; Divine Curse (Monster Magnetic) [-15]; Gigantism [-0]; Nightmares (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty (Fellow Hunters) [-5]; Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]; Truthfulness (12) [-5]; Unnatural Features (Ogre, large, grey-green or pale skin tone, small eyes [-2]; Vow (Never Kill Humans) [-10].

Quirks (-5):

Combat Skills: Axe/Mace [2]-13; Boxing [2]-13; Guns (Shotgun) [12]-17 (all other guns default to -15); Gunner (Machine Gun) [4]-15

Skills: Area Knowledge (Seattle) [2]-10; Armoury (Small Arms) [2]-9; Biology [4]-8; Climb [2]-13; Current Affairs (Sports) [1]-9; Drive (Motorcycle) [1]-13; Fast Draw (Ammo) [1]-14; Fast Draw (Pistol) [1]-14; Fast Talk [2]-11; First Aid [2]-10; Gesture [2]-10; Hidden Lore (Cryptozoology) [4]-10; Hold-Out [2]-9; Occultism [2]-9; Swimming [1]-13; Tracking [2]-12; Veterinary [2]-8

Weapons: Gear: Cash on Hand:

Budget Monster Hunter Basic Kit (TL6) $615, 18.76 lbs. • Ordinary Clothing (p. HT63) [Torso, Limbs]. Status 0. $240, 8 lbs. • Belt (p. HT31) [Torso]. $10, neg. • Boots (p. HT68) [Feet]. DR 2*. $160, 6 lbs. • Leather Gloves (p. B284) [Hands]. DR 2*. $60, neg. • Felt Hat (p. HT64) [Head]. $60, 1 lb. • Personal Basics (p. B288) [Clothing]. $5, 1 lb. • Cheap Pocket Watch (p. HT31) [Clothing]. $50, neg. • Multi-Function Knife (p. HT26) [Clothing]. $25, neg. • Notebook, Pencil, and Chalk (p. HT17) [Clothing]. $2, 0.1 lb. • Religious Symbol (p. HT31) [Neck]. $1, neg. • Waist Pack (p. HT54) [Sling]. Carries 10 lbs. $10, 1 lb. • Flashlight (p. HT52) [Waist Pack]. Includes 2¥S batteries. $20, 1 lb. • 2x Small Batteries (p. HT13) [Waist Pack]. $2, 0.66 lb.

Lens: Slayer +$1,554.50 and +47.48 lbs. • Leather Long Coat (p. HT64) [Torso, Limbs]. DR 2. (free; plus Fortify and Lighten), 15 lbs. • 2x Ithaca Auto & Burglar 20G, 2.5” (pp. Pulp Guns 25-26, 27) [Holsters]. $800, 5 lbs. each • 30x Rounds of rifled slugs for Ithaca pistol shotguns. Dmg 4d p++, $12, 3 lbs. [Bandoleer] (also add +1 Acc, multiple ½ R by 2.5 and Max by 1.5) • 2x Belt Holster (p. HT153) [Belt]. +0 Fast-Draw. $50, 0.5 lb. each • Large Knife/Bayonet with Sheath (pp. B272, HT105, 197, 198) [Belt or Shotgun Muzzle]. Can be fixed to the muzzle of the Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun. $40, 1 lb. • Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun with Bayonet Mount (pp. HT105, PGO22-23) [Sling]. $600, 8.2 lbs. • Shotgun Sling (p. HT154) [Torso]. As for rifle sling. $10, 1 lb. • 2x Cartridge Bandoleer (p. HT54) [Torso]. Holds 25 rounds $20, 2.2 lbs. each • 5x Rounds 12G 2.75” Rifled Slug (p. HT166) [Bandoleer]. Dmg 5d pi++. $2.50, 0.55 lb. • 2x Hand Flares (p. HT58) [Waist Pack]. $10, 2 lbs. • 2x Sticks Dynamite with Time Fuse (pp. HT184-185, 187) [Waist Pack]. $10, 1 lb Breakdown: 141 primary stats +43 secondary +75 advantages –70 disadvantages and quirks +20 combat skills +33 skills = Total 242/250*

  • still have 8 unspent points.