The Gods Arcem Needs:Kaius Hesperos

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One of The Gods Arcem Needs

Max Effort: 4


Attribute Score Mod Check
Str 10 +0 11+
Dex 18 +3 3+
Con 13 +1 8+
Int 14 +1 7+
Wis 13 +1 8+
Cha 16 +2 5+


  • AC: 0
  • HP: 14
  • Movement: 30 Run
  • Attacks:
    • Melee: Unarmed +5, 1d2+3
    • Ranged: Mag Pistol +5, 1d6+3
    • Melee/Ranged: Knives of Night (a whip) +5, 1d10+3
  • Saves:
    • Hardiness: 13+
    • Evasion: 11+
    • Spirit: 12+


  • Origin: Born into an extended family organization of traveling traders/tinkers/troupers. He was never in the same place for more than ten days at a time until he was an adult.
  • Training: Trained in a dozen or more careers but blew them all. Actor, street "magician" and fortune-teller, various crafts, musician, trapper, merchant, et cetera.
  • Relationship: On the run from a doomsday cult posing as actors - he stole the only extant copy of The King in Yellow before they could perform it.
  • 2nd Level: Archmaster Theotechnician
  • Goal: Provide material/infrastructure improvement to a single community.


  • Adventuring Gear
    • Backpack
    • Stolen tome
    • rations, canteen
    • tarot deck
    • A whole lot of random stuff - colored silk scarves, glass beads, dice, origami paper.
    • Mag pistol (bright republic weapon)

Advancement & Influence[edit]

  • XP: 3/6
  • Dominion Gained: 2
  • Dominion Spent: 2/4
  • Current Dominion: 0
  • Current Uncommitted Influence: 1/3
    • The House of Dreams: 2 Dominion + 2 Influence: 4
      • Project Scope: 1 city
      • Project Effects: Implausible. The House of Dreams appeared overnight, and rapidly gained massive popularity. It's a front for Kaius' cult.
    • (Dominion Project): (dominion spent) + (influence spent): X
      • Project Scope:
      • Project Effects:


  • Stuff Goes Here

Words & Gifts[edit]


  • Inherent: Heroes with the Artifice Word can create any non-magical object a normal man can carry as a round’s action, using whatever materials are to hand. While the ensuing creation may look odd, and any "foodstuffs" are inedible, it functions and lasts as well as a normal object of its type and usual substance. The hero’s crafting efforts for a day count as 100 laborers per character level when an estimate is needed.
    • Ten Thousand Tools: Your natural gifts of creation are augmented. Instead of requiring a full round to create a portable mundane object, you may do so as an On Turn action, as part of whatever action you take. This object may be a permanent creation or allowed to disappear afterwards at your discretion. Your daily labor on projects is worth 1,000 laborers per level. This gift is of no use to a Godbound who has not bound this Word.
    • Transmuter: Commit Effort for the scene and turn one 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube of material per hero level from one physical substance into another. Items being used or held by a creature cannot be changed. If the effect is used to somehow harm targets, they take a 1d6 damage die for every two character levels of the hero, rounded up. If the substance being created is rare or precious, Effort must be committed for the day. Extremely rare and magical substances cannot be created this way, though mountains of gold can be fabricated. See the Wealth Word for limits on the use of this newfound treasure, as it is all too easy to inflate a region’s mundane economy into chaos.


  • Inherent: Heroes with the Word of Night can see perfectly in darkness. They need not sleep, and their actions will never involuntarily cause the awakening of any sleepers around them.
    • Knives of Night: Commit Effort. You are now able to harden darkness into a weapon with a range of 200 feet. When used to attack, it does 1d10 damage and is treated as a magical weapon. Foes reduced to zero hit points can either be killed, put to sleep, or permanently blinded at your discretion.
    • Excellence of Night: Kaius has a dexterity of 18.
    • A Road of Shadows: Action. Commit Effort for the scene. Step into one shadow and emerge from the one nearest to the desired destination, provided it’s within a mile. The gift can move you no more than ten miles total in any one hour.


  • Inherent: The Godbound is master of their own will. They have an invincible defense against mental influences or mind-reading, and may cause attempts at the latter to return any results they wish.
    • Drawing out the Line: The Godbound is fated to survive their perils. Their base armor class becomes 3 and they cannot be surprised.
    • Effort of Fate: 1 extra Effort.
    • Read the Signs: Action. The Godbound can look at a person and get a general idea of their past and most likely future. A brief description of their occupation, current ambitions, and a sentence on their most likely fate in the next year is obtained, along with their maximum hit dice total or character level.