A resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "American Gods". This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be editted by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".
A key event in the American God's history occurred during what became known as the 9/11 Disaster. This event was also responsible for the creation of the possibility for powers beyond mortal men.
- COMPLETE CAST: Quick list of all characters below.
- AA 283 Flight Manifest: American Airlines Flight 283, 9/11/01 leaving Boston bound for LA.
- Main Cast: The main characters of our story, the player characters.
- Supporting Cast: The support characters to the main characters.
- the Survivors: aka. the Godlike, listed in detail in order of appearance.
- Celera: Individuals employed by or otherwise associated with Celera.
- the US Government: Various United States Government Groups and the individuals involved.
- Seattle Genetics, Celera - Bothel, WA
- Celera Main Campus - Rockville, MD
- Dinner/Pub - Georgetown, Washington DC
- the 9/11 Disaster
- the Fifth Plane: AA Flight 283
- Waking Up
- Survivor Announcement
- Brian Jaffe's Speech
- "the Godlike Address" - President Bush
- Celera Press Release
- World Communtary: Quotes from the media and other sources.
- Game Inspiration Quotes
- Quotes from our Games
- ??
Campaign Construction
- Formula
- Themes
- Genre
- Mood
- Inspiration
- House Rules
- Easter Eggs
- American Gods Spoilers: GM EYES ONLY, NOT for players of this campaign!!