Ten Hidden Orbs:Islesi Danaea

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Islesi Danaea[edit]

  • Level: 1
  • Goal: Make her own destiny out of the Scarlet Throne's control
  • Aspect: Water
  • Backstory:
    • Mineps Danaea was born into a minor patrician house, in their manor aboard a space station overseeing a sparsely jade-bearing asteroid belt. Her young Exaltation was unexpected, and her parents had little frame of reference to properly raise her, so she became spoiled and uncontrollable, even demanding a fighting ring where she would beat up the strongest of the miners for her own entertainment. For that, she was sent to the Palace of Tamed Storms, where her wild impulses were tamed through brutality and conditioning and she learned to be a simple trader.
    • !!Classified: Thousand Eyes Only!!!: Islesi Danaea is an agent of the Throne assigned to keep an eye on this wayward child of Mnemon. She has been trained in the art of deception as all Islesi are from birth, to deny their true heritage to any outsiders.


Origin Taught thiefcraft and infiltration in the classroom-cells of the Palace of Tamed Storms
Past Placed by House Islesi as the humble Procurement Officer of the Forgotten Scion IV (Invidian Order traits - Merchant false profession)
Relationship Definitely not initiated into the White Veil Society nor taught its Style that Does Not Exist (Strife of the Scorned Lover)


Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Score 19 16 13 14 13 16
Modifier +4 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2
Check 2 5 8 7 8 5

Hit Points[edit]

Current Maximum
9 9


  • Body of Water
  • AC: 1
  • Type: Unarmored
  • Shield: None
  • Description: Danaea usually wears very light clothing to enhance her mobility


  • Base Attack Bonus: +1
  • Fray Die: 1d8
Description Attribute Attack Bonus Damage
Fists Like Iron Strength +5 1d12+4


Total Free Earned per Month
Essence 2 2 -
Influence 2 2 -
Dominion 0 0 0
Wealth 0

Saving Throws[edit]

Base Mod Armor Penalty Final Save
Hardiness 15 -4 None 11
Evasion 15 -2 None 13
Spirit 15 -2 None 13


Word Inherent Bonus
Sea Invincible defense against cold, can breathe water, swim at twice normal movement rate, and see with perfect clarity underwater, regardless of available light. May grant these benefits to companions, except for cold immunity.
Might A Strength score of 19 and a +4 attribute modifier for Strength. This prowess allows them to lift or break anything that is humanly possible to so handle.
Passion May set either their Charisma or Wisdom attribute score to 16, or 18 if the score is already that high.

Divine Gifts[edit]

Gift Word Effect
Body of Water Sea Natural armor class is 3 and immune to poisons. Can apply a poison by touch if previously swallowed or been struck by a dose,thus ejecting the toxin. This AC isn't improved by shields or armor.
Effort of the Word Sea +1 effort; sacrificed for cybernetics
Banner of Passion Passion Commit Effort. All NPCs who are lesser foes within earshot or sight are suffused with a powerful emotion of your choice, directed at the object of your choosing. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw each round to throw it off. This emotion will make them act to the limits of their character and will last at least a day after the effort is reclaimed.
Follow the Threads Passion You may study a target for one action to identify the half-dozen people most emotionally significant to them, learning their appearance, the name the target knows them as, and a few words of description of the bond between them. Lesser foes cannot resist this, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to maintain their secrets.
Fists of Black Iron Might Constant. All 1-handed weapons do 1d10, two-handed or both hands used unarmed do 1d12. Counts as magical attacks.
Stronger Than You Might The Godbound always wins contests of strength and grapples. If two Godbound with this gift struggle, the test is resolved normally. As an action, the Godbound can confer the benefits of this gift on an ally for one contest or action.


Augmentation Slot Description
Slow Shield Generator Body Fast projectiles and melee attacks do one fewer points of physical damage. -2 to melee attacks to bypass. No effect on magical attacks.
Auspicious Linguistic Array Brain Speak, read, and write any language encountered
Grip of Unseen Force Hand Short-range telekinesis, shield absorbs first point of damage

XP Log[edit]

Incident XP Gained Dominion Gained

Influence Log[edit]

Influence Committed Type of Change Effect Specific Notes

Dominion Log[edit]

Dominion Spent Type of Change Fact Generated Specific notes Word(s) Used