Linias Silverleaf
A character in the Kate's Horror on the Hill B/X Campaign.
- Lawful Elf 1
- XP: 0/+5%
- Backstory:Friendly and curious, Linias left his clan to travel the world so that he can learn about the various peoples, places, potential dangers, and potential allies to better help, educate, and protect his clan
- STR 13 +1 to hit/damage/open doors
- INT 14 reads and writes native languages +1 language
- WIS 6 -1 on magic-based saving throws
- DEX 12
- CON 11
- CHA 7 reaction adjusment: -1/max# retainers: 3/retainer morale: 6
- HP: 6/6
- AC: 7(6 with shield)
- Attack: sword normal(1d6+1), longbow (1d6)
- Movement:90/30/90
- Treasure-bearing movement:
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison 11/12
- Magic Wands 13-1=12
- Paralysation or Petrification 13/12
- Dragon Breath 15
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 15-1=14
Racial Abilities[edit]
- infravision 60’
- find secret doors 1-2 on d6
- cannot be paralyzed by ghouls
- Can speak Common, elvish, alignment, orc, hobgoblin, gnoll, dragon
- 1st level:
- sleep
- sword normal
- long bow
- quiver w/20 arrows
- Backpack
- Water/wineskin
- rope(50')
- torches (6)
- tinderbox
- rations standard 1wk
- iron spikes(12)
- large sac
- leather armour
- shield
gp: 6 encumberance: 476