Bush Ned
Bush Ned[edit]
- L3 Explorer (Forester)
- XP: 4000/8000
- Neutral
- PC
- Holdings: none
Bush Ned wants to explore and map the wilderness for a regional authority, and further wants to develop a trade or smuggling route for valuable commodities.
- STR 10
- INT 10
- WIS 10
- DEX 13 (+1)
- CON 10
- CHA 10
- Languages
- common
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Riding: (bonus) can handle steed in difficult circumstances, like mounted combat
- Naturalism: is knowledgeable of common plant and animal life forms in terrain typical to his background. Ned's familiar with edible and poison foods, healing herbs, and signs of unnatural danger (such as unusual quiet, atypical animal behavior, etc.) in his known terrain with a proficiency throw of 11+. This proficiency can be selected multiple times.
- Navigation: can take the position of the sun and stars to determine roughly where he is. He gains a +4 bonus on proficiency throws to avoid getting lost in the wilderness. He can also serve as a navigator on a seagoing vessel.
- Class Proficiencies
- Land Surveying: (bonus) expert at surveying the land around him; on 11+, can predict dangerous sinkholes, deadfalls, collapses, or rock slides when he enters the area. In dungeons, he gains a +4 bonus to his throws to escape detection due to his ability to find the best cover.
- Precise Shooting: fire into melee with no penalty and no chance to hit an ally. Others can only fire into melee at -4 to hit and with a chance to hit an ally.
- Weapon Finesse: when attacking with one-handed melee weapons, Ned may use his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier on his attack throw.
- Class Abilities
- +1 to attacks with missile weapons
- +2 damage melee and missile
- animal reflexes: +1 initiative and surprise
- difficult to spot outdoors: disappear into underbrush on 3+, escape detection on 14+ in dungeons when motionless and quiet in cover
- avoid getting lost: +4 in familiar country (further +4 from Navigation)
- evade wilderness encounters: +5 to evade in any terrain except clear and grassland, evade even when surprised on 19+
- At L5: +1 hireling morale on wilderness adventures
- AC 7
- HP 14
- Movement Rate 60/20/60
- Initiative Modifier: +2
- Attacks
- Spear attack throw: 8+, 1d6+2 damage
- Spear + handaxe attack throw: 7+, 1d6+2 damage
- Longbow attack throw: 7+, 1d6+2 damage
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis: 13+
- Poison & Death: 10+
- Blast & Breath: 16+
- Staves & Wands: 13+
- Spells: 15+
- Total Encumbrance: 9s + 4i
- Clothing: sturdy low boots, wool tunic and pants, leather belt, hooded cloak, gloves
- Armor (6 stone): chain + shield
- Weapons (1s + 4i): longbow + quiver, spear, handaxe, dagger
- Backpack (2 stone): 1 day iron rations + full waterskins, 100' rope, tinderbox, 2 large sacks, 6 torches
- waterskin
- coinpurse: 8 gp, 9 sp
- Tasty, medium riding lizard w/saddle + tack
- saddlebag (3s): small tent, 6 days iron rations
- quiver of arrows
- original build, for reference