The Brotherhood of Watchers

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The Brotherhood of Watchers[edit]


The Brotherhood of Watchers is a loose-knit society of elite information merchants that have operated in Port Blackheart and beyond for centuries. Their services are expensive but their methods are subtle and productive. They don’t deal in trivialities, see an street gossip tout for that, but if you want a cult infiltrated, a rare item located, a runaway tracked down or information on the underhand business dealings of your rival, they’re the men for you.


The origins of the Brotherhood of Watchers are an amorphous subject. From time immemorial there have been people who made their living from retrieving information others would rather be kept hidden. At some point, some of these information merchants started banding together, to share resources and for mutual protection, and thus the Brotherhood was formed.

They don’t have a guildhouse or secret meetings or any of those things. Every member of the Brotherhood knows every other member and they can call on each other in times of need or if they need help with a contract. There are no guild dues or tithes, just a joint debt of secrecy and confidence between the members.

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