TBV:Super Secret Scrap
Riding in Combat:
All skill tests limited by Athletics ability (including bonus dice). Charging (after opening volleys):
- Riding Test TN 16 (Athletics)
- Weapon Attack, base TN 12 + Parry
- Wheel and Charge if all are mounted. +2 TN to Riding each time.
In close combat:
- Forward or Open only
- unmounted adv are at -2 to hit
- Escape Combat modified by Riding modifier
- No disadvantage to hit horse, forces riding test instead
- Wound = horse goes down, Riding test.
More on 136-138 of HLoR
Winter Goblins
Attribute Level: 3
Endurance: 12
Hate: 5
Parry: 5 (shield)
Armour: 1d
Personality 2
Survival 2
Movement 2
Custom 1
Perception 2
Vocation 1
Jagged Knife: 2 (3/EYE/14/-)
Bow of Horn: 2 (4/10/12/poison)