My Little Mahou Shoujo:Scarlett Anderson

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Scarlett Anderson is a character in the My Little Mahou Shoujo game, played by LoganAura.


Scarlett Anderson was born to a rather average European-american family, though she tanned quite a bit more than the rest of her family. Her left arm hadn’t developed properly in the womb due to the umbilical cord wrapping around it rather early in development and while it was an easy target of mockery from rude nursery school kids and people as she grew older, it was just a thing for her.

Her family was rather accepting of Scarlett’s preference towards tomboyish clothes and her love of sports, which she seemed to catch onto rather quickly, if resulting in a lot of bruises and scratches from one too crashes. While they still gave her dolls for christmas and dresses for her birthday [which she did enjoy wearing and playing with, don’t tell anyone at school.]

At some point, a group of bullies were getting in her face and Scarlett ended up punching them in the jaw hard enough to knock a tooth out and while she got grounded, no one ever tried to mess with her... as obviously as they did. She ended up getting in between a lot of the “Weaker” people who were being bullied and got a reputation of “That chick who you don’t want to mess with unless you want to get sent to the nurse because you got a kick to the nuts.”, and had a bad habit of assuming people were weaker than they seemed.

It took her quite a lot of time to get the strength to back up the reputation, and things mellowed out until she met Belle, having gone to protect her but being one-upped by Belle’s verbal lashings to the bullies. The two became friends and always had each others backs, Belle being the mouth and Scarlett being the muscle.


  • Agile 3
  • Quick 2
  • Combat Expert 1
  • Cute 2
  • Strong 1
  • Iron-Willed: 2
  • Vigorous 1
  • Intimidating 1
  • Knowledge: Genre Savvy : 2
  • Dexterous 1

Transformation 5

  • Leaping: 1
  • Attack 2
  • Armor: 2
  • Sixth Sense: 1


  • Ageism 2
  • Secret 2 (Magical Girl)
  • Code of Conduct 1 (Protect the Weak)
  • Short Tempered 2
  • Unique Weakness: Prosthetic Arm 1
  • Loved One: Abeba and Belle 1
  • Overconfident 1

Combat Stats[edit]

Health: 40
Endurance: 50
Defense: 5, 2 Armor

Basic Attack [Insert Name Here][edit]

  • Dice 5 DX 5 END 0
  • Effective, Inaccurate

Guardian’s Gauntlet[edit]

  • Dice 6 DX 4 END 5
  • Unique Perk: Can use while Protecting [20], Feather Blow [-5], Backlash [-5] Buildup [-5]

Scarlett Sentai Flash[edit]

Overwhelming(15), Multiple Targets (10), Ranged (0) Recoil (-10), Unweildy (-5). [Summary:Two enemies are overwhelmed, Scarlett's left stunned and has a defense penalty, and she uses 10 end]