Avengers EMH:Vision

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A Datafile for The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Season 3)

"Ultron created me to be perfect. He thought that meant less human — to be cold and unfeeling; I wish to be perfect, but I believe that means to be more human." ("Ultron Unlimited")


Solo d8
Buddy d6
Team d10


Self-Aware Synthezoid
Eerily Analytical
Inspired by the Human Spirit

Power Sets   Synthetic Body
Laser Blast d8; Superhuman Durability d10; Flight d6; Intangibility d10; Superhuman Strength d10; Technological Influence D6

SFX: Diamond Density. Spend 1 PP to ignore physical stress or trauma.
SFX: Attack From Within. When including Intangibility as part of an attack action, add a D6 and step back the highest die in the pool -1; step up physical stress inflicted by +1.
Limit: System Failure. Shutdown a Synthetic Body power to gain 1 PP. Recover with an action against the doom pool.

Specialties Combat Expert D8; Tech Expert D8
Milestones   To Be More Human
1 XP when you engage in a mundane human activity for the first time.
3 XP when you discuss with another character the significance of a human experience barred to you by your synthetic nature.
10 XP when you make a significant comittment towards an 'ordinary' human life (e.g. establish a legal ID or form a romantic partnership) or you sacrifice a measure of your potential humanity to become a more efficient machine.
  Artificial But No Less Alive
1 XP when another hero takes emotional stress in your presence.
3 XP when you aid another hero in recovery from emotional stress.
10 XP when you sacrifice yourself for your allies or you are the last hero to fall in a fight .