Faisal ibn Almas

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Faisal ibn Almas

Concept: Wealthy Merchant (Negotiator, with Diplomat sub-concept)

Origin: Zenithian from Kua (Zenithian Hegemony)

Upbringing: Privileged

Crew Position: Captain

Appearance: A great barrel-chested, red-faced bear of a man, 6'5" of muscle and fat, with a curling, oiled beard and twinking eyes. Lots of rings on his fingers and a loud voice exuding confidence. Dressed in an exquisite black caftan with gold embroidery, and a red dupatta around his head and neck. A talisman to the Merchant in the shape of a stylised chalice hangs about his neck.

Attributes - Strength 4 - Agility 2 - Wits 3 - Empathy 4 - Reputation 7

Hit Points: 6 Mind Points: 7

Skills - Command 3 - Culture 2 - Manipulation 3 - Melee Combat 2 - Observation 1 - Ranged Combat 1

Talents - Lie Detector (CYB) - The Merchant's Talent - Mercy of the Icons

Personal Problem Faisal owes money to the Syndicate. They want it back. Now.

Gear - Tabula - Com Link V (System) - Exquisite Clothing - Lie Detector (CYB) - Mercurium Dagger and spare cell - Shock stick - Grape carbine and 2 x reloads - Arrash dose x 4 - Talisman to the Merchant - Tag containing 400 birr (untraceable) - Transactor containing 3,000 birr

Encumbrance: 6 of 8 slots


Taimur (Atlictoatl)... has a familiar hunted desperation to him. I like him, he feels lucky for me.

Ali (thorya)... he is like the other side of the same coin. Both of us are big fellows, both of us fundamentally worldy, but where I am brash, welathy and loud, he is reserved, poor and quiet. We will undoubtably get on like a house on fire, we will be unstoppable! [Buddy]

Kef (stinkyfool)... embarrased me in front of everyone. I won't forget that.

Rashidi, (Muskrat)... is headstrong, as, I suppose, am I. I am trying to learn humility, and she is a prophet after all, but I can see conflict ahead between us. She is good with words, which I respect.

Jibril (Nick The Lemming)... so mysterious. He and Taimur are as thick as thieves, and both clearly on the run from something. Makes me nosy...