Perrin Kind

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Perren Kind[edit]


Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Bard Aasimar NG Pelor
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
6 M 29 Male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
5' 7" 10st Blue Lgt Blond

STR 12 +1
DEX 16 +3
CON 10 +0
INT 14 +2
WSD 13 +1
CHA 22 +6
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
36 0 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
+3 +3 0 30
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
19 10 5 0 3 1 0 0 -1

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+5 +4 +1 0 0
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+7 +4 +3 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT 2 2 0 0 0
REFL 8 5 3 0 0
WILL 6 5 1 0 0


Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
MW Longsword +6 1d8+1 19-20/x2 - - M S
Shortbow +1 (Str +1) +8 1d6+2 x3 70ft - M P


Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Chain Shirt +1 Light +5 -1 +4 - 30ft -

Feats & Special Abilities[edit]

Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Combat Casting You get a +4 bonus on Concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability while on the defensive or while you are grappling or pinned.
Spell Focus (Enchantment) Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select.
Skill Focus (Perform - Sing) You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that skill.
Bardic Knowledge A bard may make a special bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to his bard level + his Intelligence modifier to see whether he knows some relevant information about local notable people, legendary items, or noteworthy places. (If the bard has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (history), he gains a +2 bonus on this check.) A successful bardic knowledge check will not reveal the powers of a magic item but may give a hint as to its general function. A bard may not take 10 or take 20 on this check; this sort of knowledge is essentially random.
Bardic Music 6/day

Once per day per bard level, a bard can use his song or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him (usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each ability requires both a minimum bard level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a bard does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the bardic music ability until he acquires the needed ranks.

Starting a bardic music effect is a standard action. Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using bardic music that doesn’t require concentration, a bard cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), spell trigger (such as wands), or command word. Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use bardic music. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.
Countersong A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard’s Perform check result for the save. Countersong has no effect against effects that don’t allow saves. The bard may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.
Fascinate A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability.

To use the ability, a bard makes a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and listens to the song, taking no other actions, for as long as the bard continues to play and concentrate (up to a maximum of 1 round per bard level). While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential threat requires the bard to make another Perform check and allows the creature a new saving throw against a DC equal to the new Perform check result.

Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

Inspire Courage A bard with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the bard sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 8th, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 20th). Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.
Inspire Competence A bard of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the bard. The bard must also be able to see the ally. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as he or she continues to hear the bard’s music. Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the bard concentrates, up to a maximum of 2 minutes. A bard can’t inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence is a mind-affecting ability.
Suggestion A bard of 6th level or higher with 9 or more ranks in a Perform skill can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated. Using this ability does not break the bard’s concentration on the fascinate effect, nor does it allow a second saving throw against the fascinate effect. Making a suggestion doesn’t count against a bard’s daily limit on bardic music performances. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ bard’s level + bard’s Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature (but see mass suggestion, below). Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language dependent ability.


Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Bluff Cha +14 +6 +5 +3
Climb Str +0 +1 +0 -1
Concentration Con +6 +0 +6 +0
Decipher Script Int +7 +2 +5
Diplomacy Cha +15 +6 +4 +5
Escape Artist Dec +2 +3 +0 -1
Gather Information Cha +12 +6 +3 +3
Hide Dex +2 +3 +0 -1
Intimidate Cha +11 +6 +0 +5
Jump Str +0 +1 +0 -1
Knowledge (Arcana) Int +6 +2 +4
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) Int +3 +2 +1
Knowledge (Geography) Int +3 +2 +1
Knowledge (History) Int +5 +2 +3
Knowledge (Local) Int +4 +2 +2
Knowledge (Nobility) Int +3 +2 +1
Knowledge (Religion) Int +3 +2 +1
Knowledge (Planes) Int +5 +2 +3
Listen Wis +7 +1 +4 +2
Move Silently Dex +2 +3 +0 -1
Perform - Sing Cha +18 +6 +9 +3
Perform - Oratory Cha +11 +6 +2 +3
Perform - String Instruments Cha +12 +6 +3 +3
Sense Motive Wis +6 +1 +5
Sleight of Hand Dex +9 +3 +5 +1
Spellcraft Int +7 +2 +5
Spot Wis +3 +1 +0 +2
Swim Str +0 +1 +0 -1

Spell List[edit]

Spells per day: 3/4/3

Normal Save DCs:
0th – 16
1st – 17
2nd – 18

Enchantment Save DCs:
0th – 17
1st – 18
2nd – 19

Level 0 Spells Known
Level 1 Spells Known
Level 2 Spells Known


Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Pack Quantity: 2. Heals 2d8+3 hit points.
Ring of Protection +1 Worn - Finger +1 deflection bonus to AC.
Lsr Rod of Metamagic - Extend Belt The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that are extended as though using the Extend Spell feat.
Circlet of Persuasion Worn - Head This silver headband grants a +3 competence bonus on the wearer’s Charisma-based checks.
Cloak of Charisma +2 Worn This lightweight and fashionable cloak has a highly decorative silver trim. When in a character’s possession, it adds a +2 enhancement bonus to her Charisma score.
Masterwork Lute Back Strap or Pack +2 competence bonus to Perform - Stringed
Wand of Cure Light Wounds Belt Charges: 50. Heals 1d8+1 hit points per charge.
Backpack Back Contains - Bedroll, Scroll Case, Flint and Steel, 14 days of trail rations, Hemp Rope, Bar of Soap, Waterskin, Whetstone, Notebook (same price as spellbook), Entertainer's Outfit
Traveller's Outfit Worn
Potion of Tongues Pack


Item Location Value Weight Description/Special
Money Belt Pouch 9 pp, 12 gp, 20 sp
Gems Belt Pouch Aquamarine (250gp)


Current Next Level
15000 21000


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