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Name: Gloriana Mirsein
Race: Human
Class: Artificer 7
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid (human)
Alignment: LG

Ability Scores:
STR: 11 base = 11 / +0
DEX: 13 base, 2 enhancement, 1 level = 16 / +3
CON: 16 base, 2 enhancement = 18 / +4
INT: 17 base, 2 enhancement = 19 / +4
WIS: 12 base = 12 / +1
CHA: 11 base = 11 / +0

Skills (80):
Concentration: 8 ranks, 4 INT = +12
Craft (carpentry): 6 ranks, 4 INT = +10
Craft (masonry): 6 ranks, 4 INT = +10
Craft (metalwork): 6 ranks, 4 INT = +10
Disable Device: 10 ranks, 4 INT = +14
Knowledge (arcana): 7 ranks, 4 INT = +11
Knowledge (architecture & engineering): 7 ranks, 4 INT = +11
Open Lock: 5 ranks, 3 DEX = +13
Search: 10 ranks, 4 INT = +14
Spellcraft: 5 ranks, 4 INT = +9
Use Magic Device: 10 ranks, 3 feat = +13 (+15 for wands, potions or wondrous items, +17 for scrolls)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Gnome, Celestial

Human: Legendary Artisan (-25% XP cost for item creation)
Level 1: Extraordinary Artisan (-25% GP cost for item creation)
Artificer 1: Scribe Scroll
Artificer 2: Brew Potion
Level 3: Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
Artificer 3: Craft Wondrous Item
Artificer 4: Twin Spell (spell is cast twice / +4 spell levels)
Artificer 5: Craft Magic Arms & Armour
Level 6: Weapon Finesse
Artificer 7: Craft Wand

Fortitude: 2 base, 4 CON, 2 resistance = +8
Reflex: 2 base, 3 DEX, 2 resistance = +7
Will: 5 base, 0 WIS, 2 resistance = +7

Initiative: +3
Base Attack: +5
Grapple: +5

Attack 1: MW Cold Iron Light Mace
Attack: 5 BAB, 3 DEX, 1 enhancement = +9
Damage: 1d6 (bludgeoning, cold iron)
Critical: 20+ / x2
Notes: Light weapon.

Attack 2: MW Light Crossbow
Attack: 5 BAB, 3 DEX, 1 enhancement = +9
Damage: 1d8 (piercing)
Critical: 20+ / x3
Range: 100ft
Notes: Move action to reload.

Speed: 30ft
Face: 5ft
Reach: 5ft

AC: 10 base, 3 DEX, 5 armour, 2 shield = 20 (armour and shield usually have Magic Vestment active on them)
Touch AC: 13
Flatfooted AC: 17

Hit Points: 64
Hit Dice: 7

Class Features:

Artificer Knowledge (Ex): By examining an object for 1 minute and making a DC 15 check (level + INT modifier), discover if it is magical or not.

Craft Reserve (Ex): Pool of points that can be used in place of XP when creating magic items. A certain number are recieved each level, and any unused by a new level are lost.

Artisan Bonus (Ex): +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks to activate magic items for which the character has the creation feat.

Item Creation (Ex): Create magic items, using a Use Magic Device check (DC caster level + 20) for each required spell or other pre-requisite. One check per prerequisite per day and one extra at the end of creation, until all checks are successful or time is up with some pre-requisites unfufilled, in which case the resources are wasted. Can create items with a caster level 2 lower than the minimum if desired. Maximum caster level is artificer level.

Disable Traps (Ex): Can detect traps with a DC of 21 or higher. Can disarm magic traps. Can bypass a trap without deactivating it if check is 10 higher than disarm DC.

Craft Homonculus (Su): Can create homonculous-type constructs (but not other types) as with the Craft Construct feat.

Retain Essence (Su): By spending 1 day with an item for which the creation feat is possessed, destroy the item and add the XP cost of creating it to craft reserve. If item is partially charged, divide salvaged craft points in the same way.

Metamagic Spell Trigger (Su): When using a spell trigger item with limited charges, add one metamagic feat to the effect by spending additional charges equal to the feat's normal level adjustment.

Bonus Feats: All PHB item creation feats at the appropriate levels. Gains one additional feat at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20, which can be any item creation feat, any metamagic feat, Exceptional Artisan (25% reduction in magic item crafting times), Extra Rings (requires Forge Ring, can use four magic rings), Extraordinary Artisan (25% reduction in item creation GP cost), Legendary Artisan (25% reduction in item creation XP cost) or Wand Mastery (+2 save DC and +2 caster level to spells cast from wands).

Caster Level: 7 (artificer)
Infusion Save DC: 14 + level
Infusions Per Day: 4 / 4 / 3

Self-Crafted Equipment (using craft reserve):
Headband of Intellect +2: 1500 / 120
Cloak of Resistance +2: 1500 / 120
Amulet of Health +2: 1500 / 120
Gloves of Dexterity +2: 1500 / 120
Dedicated Wright homonculus: 1650 / 120
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL1): 283 / 23
Wand of Shocking Grasp (CL5): 1412 / 115
Wand of Protection From Evil (CL 1): 283 / 23

4x Greater Armour Enhancement: 400
4x Armour Enhancement: 200
5x Lesser Weapon Enhancement: 100
2x Identify: 200
= 900

MW Cold Iron Light Mace: 360
MW Light Crossbow: 385
Buckler: 5
30 cold iron bolts: 6
= 756

Magic Missile (CL 5): 4500

Solid Fog (CL 5): 500
Mass Resist Elements (CL 7): 525
Death Ward (CL 5): 500
Freedom of Movement (CL 5): 500
Wall of Force (CL 7): 875
Summon Nature’s Ally 5 (CL 7): 875
= 3775

Adventurer’s Starting Pack: 20

18,930 gold / 641 craft points of 19,000 gold / 650 craft points

Money: 65 GP


I was born Brigid Mirsein, and I grew up in Kadath, a small city bordering the permanently frozen badlands to the north. I was part of a large, poor family, the oldest of five siblings—not including three who died in infancy. My ma and pa died of the choking sickness when I was sixteen. Kadath is a harsh place. Finding myself responsible for my siblings and chronically short of money, we drifted into petty crime.

I was a bit different from the others--I liked to read, and more relevantly, I actually could read, being largely self-taught. Things changed for the worse when I was looking for easy marks one day, with my friend Ayla.

The Silver Forge was a guild of engineers & artificers based out of Kadath, widely regarded as heroes for holding back the menace of undead, trolls and worse from the frontier. I wasn't thinking about that when I grabbed the handful of scrolls and schemas from an unattended bag. They weren't valuable, but they interested me. I studied them, feeling there was some significance in the words and patterns, that I couldn't quite unlock.

Two days later, I got caught. In the cell, the man I had robbed appeared and introduced himself as Gired. He talked with the ten-year-old me about why I had taken the plans rather than something more precious. In the end, he offered me two choices--stay in prison, or join the guild as his apprentice.

I did pretty well—aside from a natural desire not to go to prison and to earn money for my family, I also had a talent for my new craft. As part of my training, I often got sent on assignments with Gired, whom I admired and regarded almost as a father figure. The Forge was the main line of defence for the northern cities, he often told me with a certain pride. We fought undead, bandits and worse. When my initiation was complete, I received the traditional identifying tattoo of the Forge, as well as my new name in the Heavenly Speech—-Gloriana.

Things changed by chance when I was sent on an urgent mission to destroy a ghost named Fepis, who was haunting one of the halls of government. He had some sort of vendetta against the Forge, and had been attacking our agents. When me and my fellows were exploring the building he had been haunting, I became separated, and he appeared before me. Instead of attacking, he told me a story. He said that the leaders of the Forge were corrupt, that the leaders had made a deal with the Empire to betray the city. He was able to say no more, because that was when Gired caught up with him, and cut him to pieces with a pair of force axes.

The words of the ghost had disturbed me. I started to look through the Forge records, and found some worrying irregularities, inexplicable failures to aid settlements, corrupt artifacts that had vanished into thin air after being claimed, and other things that didn’t quite add up. It looked to be an inescapable conclusion that something was wrong—there was corruption on some level. When I prepared to go public with my findings, I was suddenly declared to be a doppelganger spy, who had replaced the real Gloriana, and needed to be slain immediately. Only a warning from Gired gave me the time to escape the city. “You always were too smart for your own good. Get as far away as you can!” were his last words to me.

One month later, Kadath fell without a fight. A traitor opened the gates and assassinated the lords of the city.

I fled. For the last three years, I've been wandering. Staying one step ahead of the Silver Forge. Lending my help where I can--even if the mission statement and ethical code of the Forge was a lie, I will uphold it. I look for a way to bring down the Empire--and purify the Forge of corruptionwhile I'm at it.

Description: Gloriana is a human woman of average height, with a well-toned build, in her mid twenties. She has a slightly worn appearance, with long brown hair, green eyes and tanned, white skin. A dagger-shaped tattoo runs above and below her right eye. She dresses in well-worn adventuring garb, with a hooded cloak, a walking stick, and backpack. She usually has an array of accessories, such as a scrollcase and several potions on her belt, and several wands banded to her forearms. She wears expertly crafted chain armour, with some metal plates protecting her shoulders.

Goals: Help people out, reclaim ancient knowledge, attract personal fame or fortune, reform the Crucible or set up a similar organisation of her own (grand).

Plot Hooks: The involvement of the Forge, a chance to do a good turn for others, an opportunity to garner fame and fortune, a chance to clear her name in Kadath.


On early acquantience, Gloriana is serious, introspective and highly pragmatic, preferring to concentrate on what can be done in the present rather than fret about things that are in the past. She is generally friendly, though she can be quick to come out with a caustic comment for those who aggravate her. In particular, she is a sucker for anyone who seems in need of aid, or who has a worthy cause she can help with.

She can be somewhat impulsive, especially when a chance to learn something new or for rich rewards comes up. She is very idealistic, feeling her abilities and knowledge give her a duty to everyone less able. This can sometimes lead to her seeming patronising to those who lack her vision.


Enna, Boris, Lana, Rig: From oldest to youngest, they are Gloriana’s younger siblings. When she left, Enna was studying to enter the Silver Forge as well, Boris had signed up for the city guard, Lana had drifted back into a life of crime, and Bran had become an apprentice carpenter. She has no idea of their current status, and hasn’t tried to contact them, for fear of implementing them.

Gired: Gloriana is unsure about her former mentor. She has heard reports of him still operating in the northern area, but so far has not dared to attempt contact. She is unsure whether he was personally involved in the corruption or not.