The Tantumirean Heresy:Cyrus Mordigael

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Cyrus Mordigael.jpg

Pandorym's Psyker.

Character Sheet

  • Name: Cyrus Mordigael
  • Age: 20's
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Quiet but inquisitive with the loyalty of a Krieger, Cyrus serves with an absolute faith in the God-Emperor but always seems to be hiding something. He tends to suffer from anxiety, which he calms through the copious use of both liquid herbal remedies and amasec.
  • Former Occupation: Battle Psyker and medic for the Imperial Guard.
  • Home World Class: Shrine World (Eden Prime)
  • Other Info: Cyrus always remains fully clothed and masked at all times, even when sleeping. No one is sure why, and his superiors only say it has something to do with penance for his sins, though obviously his outfit is designed to inspire fear, both in allies and enemies. He carries a heavy book around with him constantly that contains hundreds of prayers, rites, and sermons to the Emperor, while also containing his personal notes on psyker knowledge in the back. When not deploying his dangerous powers, Cyrus uses a plasma gun, an item that, no matter who asks, he only says was a gift to him from a loved one, and he will fight to the death to keep. A Commissar in the Guard once tried to 'appropriate' it from him... he was found later sprayed across the walls of the barracks.


Bold indicates equipped weapons/clothing.

  • Plasma Gun: A finely-crafted rifle that fires bolts of superheated plasma. Has a rare chance to explode when used. Loaded with a 100% capacity hydrogen canister.
  • Hydrogen Canister: A cartridge used as ammunition for Plasma weaponry. Reloading must be undertaken slowly and carefully, however. 1 spares.
  • Psykana mercy blade: A small blade issued to all Sanctioned Psykers. Intended as a tool to commit suicide, but functions well enough in melee combat.
  • Hooded Robe: A long black robe studded with soft armoured panels. Includes a face-concealing grey mask.
  • Thrones: Standard Imperial currency that functions as legal tender on most worlds. You have 100.
  • Data slate: A simple digital storage device.
  • Prayer Book: A large book filled with prayers and sermons to the Emperor, as well as notes on Psyker knowledge.
  • Medical stimm: A combat stimm filled with adrenaline that will will get the user off their feet following a semi-serious wound. You have 3.
  • Gulonog charm: A small silver charm in the shape of a Gulonog, commonly believed by the natives of Eden Prime to bring good luck. Identifies the holder as a native of said world.