The Tantumirean Heresy:Kane Hulliam

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Kane Hulliam.jpg

EnigmaticOne's Savant.

Character Sheet

Name: Kane Hulliam Age: 56 Gender: Male Appearance: [SBLOCK=Image][/SBLOCK] Personality: Kane is extensively knowledgeable, studious, but also with a certain confidence, arrogance perhaps, that the Emperor is guiding him to do great things. Former Occupation: Adeptus Administratum - Departmento Munitorum Home World Class: Hive World Other Info: Possesses an ornate laspistol, but his expertise is in facts and arguing he knows them better than anyone else.


Bold indicates equipped weapons/clothing.

  • Ornate Laspistol: A miniature version of a Lasgun, that fires a coherent beam of energetic photons that can burn through most materials. Ornate engravings and proper oils have appeased this weapon's Machine Spirit, making it more likely to hit beyond its effective range, and giving an extra shot per power pack.
  • Power pack: A rechargeable "magazine" for lasguns. 0 spares.
  • Hotshot Power pack: A power pack that temporarily boosts the power of a lasgun at the cost of being able to fire less shots. Has a chance to "burn out" during use, after which it becomes useless. 1 spare.
  • Administratum robes: Simple, plain robes worn by the many drones that serve the Administratum.
  • Chrono: A simple circular device worn on the wrist. Tells the current time.
  • Thrones: Standard Imperial currency that functions as legal tender on most worlds. You have 100.
  • Data slate: A simple digital storage device.
  • Auto-quill: An elaborate scribing device, composed of ink-stained brass and an artificial quill, that allows the user to copy text or transcribe speech with impressive speed and accuracy.