Stefano Lopez
True name. Shamash.
Manipulation 5 (persuasive), appearance 2, charisma 3.
Physical. Dexterity 5 (sneaky), strength 1, con 2.
Mental. Int 1 Wits 2 Perception 3
Talents. 13.
Athletics 3. Alertness 2 dodge 3 expression 4 Leadership 4 (compelling) Subterfuge 1 empathy 1 Stealth 3 Firearms 3 Etiquette 3 Politics 3 Religion 2 Lore of the celestials 4 law of humanity 1 Faith 3 Conscience 1 Courage 2 Conviction 3 Torment 4 Paragon 2 Willpower 6 Pacts 1 Resources 1 Eminence 2 Influence 1 Enchanting voice. 2 Angelic Gaze 1 (leadership empathy intimidation -1) Independent Income 1 Stalked 2 (lady of boss) Hunted 4 (hired help from boss) Lazy