Meet The New Gods:Quintilius Drago
- Description: 7’8”, massively built, looks like Jason Statham
- Level: 2
- XP: 3
- Spent Dominion: 2
- Available Dominion: 0
- Free: 3
- Instant Commitment:
- Scene-Long Commitment:
- Day-Long Commitment:
Attribute | Score | Mod | Check |
Str | 19 | +4 | 2 |
Dex | 13 | +1 | 8 |
Con | 18 | +3 | 3 |
Int | 13 | +1 | 8 |
Wis | 10 | +0 | 11 |
Cha | 14 | +1 | 7 |
- AC: 2
- HP: 17
- Hardiness: 10/14
- Evasion: 13/17
- Spirit: 13
- Movement:
- Attacks:
- Melee: +6
- Ranged: +3
- Great Crusade Veteran
- Chaos Marine Champion
- Hated by the Black Legion
- (unassigned fact)
Influence & Dominion
- Influence Commitments:
- Dominion Spent: 2
- Clearing the Underhive (2)
Words & Gifts
2 unspent gift points (saving up for Sun Word)
- Apotheosis
- Endurance: Word Effect
- Might: Word Effect
- Sword: Word Effect
- Word: Word Effect