Rhoslyn, the Wren, with no family or title
- Rogue 1
- XP: 0/x
- Alignment: CN
- PC
- Titles/Holdings: none
- Background: Criminal
- Age: 22 (does not know her own birthday or exact age)
- STR 11 (+0)
- DEX 16 (+3)
- CON 10 (+0)
- INT 16 (+3)
- WIS 14 (+2)
- CHA 14 (+2)
Attribute Bumps: +1 cha, +1 int from variant human
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Skills and Feats
- Thieves' tools
- Deception
- Stealth
- Sleight of Hand
- Investigation
- Perception
- Acrobatics
- Persuasion
(Expertise in italics)
- Common
- Raider
- Thieves' Cant
- Dungeon Delver
- Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to detect the presence of secret doors.
- Advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps.
- Resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
- Search for traps while traveling at a normal pace, instead of only at a slow pace.
- AC 14
- HP 8
- Hit Dice 1
- Movement Rate 30
- Initiative Modifier +3
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Rapier +5/1d8+3 piercing
- Secondary Melee Attack: Whip +5/1d4+3 slashing/reach
- Secondary Melee/Ranged Attack: Dagger +5/1d4+3 slashinh
- Primary Ranged Attack: Shortbow +5/1d6
- Saves:
- STR +0
- DEX +5
- CON +0
- INT +5
- WIS +2
- CHA +2
Spells Known (None yet)
- Cantrips:
- Level 1:
- Level 2:
- Level 3:
- Level 4:
Spell Slots Spells Prepared Spell Save DC x (8 + Caster Mod x + Prof Bonus x)
- Rapier
- Shortbow (w/20 arrows)
- 2 daggers
- Whip
- Leather
Magic Items
Other Equipment
- Thieves' Tools
- backpack
- crowbar
- hammer
- 10 pitons
- 10 torches
- tinderbox
- 10 days of rations
- waterskin
- 50 feet of hempen rope
- 11 GP
RP hooks
- Motivation: Finding a crew she can run with and trust.
- Weakness: Greed. Not so much for the sake of the shiny things, as always wanting to get enough gold that she doesn't have to worry about making a living... and maybe to have the power to never have to worry about anything...