Blades Against the Red Tide

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A play-by-post game of Scarlet Heroes by Kevin Crawford of Sine Nomine Publishing, set in his original Red Tide setting.

IC Thread
OOC Thread

Players & Characters



Current Position: I12 (grassy scrubland)

City Ruin


Treasures & Sundry



Afternoon, Swordsday, 3rd day of Redfall: exploring hex I12 rumored to contain a city ruin. Encounters: No; Events (Threshold 1): None; Feature: old ruin (thanks to Salim). (Posts #2 to #10)

Late Afternoon, Swordsday, 3rd day of Redfall: Turn 1. Exploring F5 of City Ruin. Plaza and well. Sacrificial tree. They find Bai Song, an Imperial farmer who has been captured and left to placate horrors of the ruin by Shou. Gendai mercy kills him, and Salim and Chek Fai destroy a ghoul lurking in the well depths. The group searches and finds shelter (old guardhouse). Gendai lights funeral pyre for Bai. Total of 3 turns spent, followed by night of rest in safe encampment. (Posts #11 to #46)

Morning, Saintsday, 4th day of Redfall: Turn 1 and 2. Exploring G5 of City Ruin. Encounter robed figures digging who turn to face the heroes. They defeat these and note a large (25 lb) crystal orb the four were unearthing. Salim notes a prayer or ritual on one of the cultists describing a release of whatever is contained within the ruin. The three take the orb. No wandering monsters. (Posts #48 to #75)

Morning, Saintsday, 4th day of Redfall: Turn 3. Exploring F4 of City Ruin. The heroes turn northwest and enter an overgrown courtyard. (Posts #76 to [??])