Mage: Broken by Moonlight, Game 30 Dec 2017

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Note from the GM:
Quick notes for a short Session 12/30/17
This is what I remember, please, please, please add details

Dramatis Personae

Kim - Raven
Andy - Gretchen
Maer - Kat
Jim – Sebastian
Josh (NPC) - Ken

Dramatis Personae - Not appearing in this film

Terri – Clara
Cindy - Dawn

Game Log: 30 Dec 2017

As noted in some of my other articles, Technocracy HQ in RTP blew up and is now a toxic waste site. No reports of casualties but by all accounts they are off the board for the moment. Other things are moving in the background, but no one has seen or heard from the Nephandi

The session picks up the day after the Nephandi showdown. Everyone more or less started in the Chantry doing Chantry –y things.

Raven discovers that her phone doesn’t work At first she thinks it is a dead battery but later she comes to realize that she has ‘Tesla’s Paradox,’ a magical affliction that damages any electronics in her vicinity by generating large static electric shocks. She goes to Josh who first works develops a pair of sci-fi looking dinner gloves out of tin-foil. The problem continues throughout the session (and is still happening)

Kat had a very interesting dream about Rosalind (See RP.) She tracks down her master in the Akashic Brotherhood to talk about various things. She also has a conversation with Gretchen (Andy’s character)

Sebastian has a plan to take out Rosalind, one sure to get him top marks for his next Magic Theory Term Project.. It involves creating a special bowl for his blood that would make the blood both toxic to vampires and prevent vampires from stopping drinking or regurgitating it. Once everything is in place he also needs to forget that he has such a plan to get around Rosalind’s Presence powers.

This leads to an extended discussion on the merits of Rosalind versus other potential Vampire Princes of Durham. Sebastian is convinced that Rosalind is a danger, particularly to Kat. Kat feels that Rosalind has been a helpful friend and is better than an unknown alternative. Raven’s opinion is that all tech has betrayed her personally and that she needs more drugs. Josh sits this one out.

They decide to meet with Rosalind at George’s Java*. The meeting goes surprisingly well. Sebastian wants out of his agreement to give Rosalind his blood. Rosalind agrees so long as they agree not to interfere with her or hers **. During the entire conversation Rosalind is making longing glances at Kat and playing footsy with her under the table. At the end of the conversation Rosalind asks Kat if she thinks this is a good deal and Kat agrees that it is.

Just as the group gets in the car to return the chantry Josh gets a call asking them to go back to Crybaby Lane to investigate a reported disturbance. As they arrive, they discover that most of their phones are inoperative due to Raven’s electronics issues. Kat tries to work up a ward to protect their remaining devices as they arrive.

The spell double botches killing all nearby electronics including Cameron***, Josh’s car. He works on repairs as the group heads to the field.

Upon arrival the group discover two weeping willow trees that hadn’t been there the previous day. One of the trees is audibly crying. Through scrying they discover that the trees had been a pair of students who had had a romantic falling out while walking through the field. One of the lovers had some wild magic go off and transformed them both into trees. They also find backpacks belonging to the students and three phones that haven’t been affected by Raven and/or Kat.

It is generally decided that the group does not have the magic firepower to handle this situation and they call the chantry for advice. The head of the Verbana agrees to come forthwith to see what can be done.

Session ends here. Next session will start where the previous one ends.

 *After the game I found out that George’s Java closed several months ago due to the poor health of the owner. For game purposes, George has made a ‘miraculous’ recovery and is expecting to run the shop for the indefinite future.

 **What Rosalind considers 'hers' is probably going to be a point of contention in the near future.

 ***Cameron is a triple reference, referring to:

  1. the model of car (Camry),
  2. Cameron from “Ferris Bueller’s Day off”
  3. Summer Glau’s female terminator from “The Sarah Conner Chronicles”

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