Intro; stirge
Ake: (high pitched voice) "STIIIIRGEEEE!"
The mustached boy wakes you with his scream, but you have no right to complain. This is the reason his father agreed to take you on his Raft, safety in numbers. You did hope that the stirges would still be sleeping, winter is barely over. But this swarm seems to be too hungry to wait.
Like every morning of your voyage on the river Xapuri, the fog covers the world around you. luckily Ake noticed the bloodsucker despite this. Disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Splav nazvan Krmača popunjen je bačvama, kutijama i hrpama koži i krzna. Vreče slame pobacane gdje god ste našli mjesto za njih. Mali brkati Ake skače s noge na nogu dok Batbayar i dalje strpljivo navigira rijekom, kao što je radio zadnja 3 sata svoje smjene. Stirge su gadna gamad, ali trenutak prepuštanja struji može znaćiti gubitak svog tereta i života u brzoj rijeci(Xapuri).
Quick family. Batbayar, Else, Ake.
6 players - 6 stirges
-tijela strigi se izgube u rijeci