Tunnels & Trolls Deluxe: That Flighty Temptress, Adventure
Player Characters
- Mad Dermot, Male Dwarf Hooligan (Warrior): played by Walkie Talkie Noise Decoder.
- Algernon Crumb, Male Human Rogue: played by The Wyzard
- Grei AuBrannian Female Human Rogue: played by ncc2010
- Grimwald, barkeep at The Royal Crystal in the city of ShaRass (also known as Karthaki)
- Dakgu, fence and general ne'er do well in the city of ShaRass (also known as Karthaki); can be found in the bazaar most of the time
- an unnamed tabby that has been seen wandering around the strange labyrinth in the desert
- Lizardmen and wild packs of uruks can be found in The Scorpion Lands
- Anton AuBrannian - Grei's second oldest brother, a militiaman for the city of ShaRass (also known as Karthaki)
Plot Hooks & Notes
- Grei's older brother (one of two), Anton, has suddenly come back into her life and has met the party. He is a member of the militia that guards the city of ShaRass. He claims that some of the militiamen found a strange mine out in The Scorpion Lands, but those who went in to investigate did not all return. Apparently the Lands themselves are inhabited by roving bands of wild uruks and the mysterious lizardmen. Inside the mine, however, he claims they found a new breed of uruk - which he called a half-uruk (but what they were bred with, he could not readily identify). They may have been speaking a gutteral form of Khazad, the dwarven tongue, however. He also spoke of a special bowl that was spotted by someone in the party but they were unable to obtain it and barely got away with their lives. He fully believes it to be magical in nature and might help restore his family's honor.
Treasure Obtained
- Algernon
- A vial filled with a clear liquid with a corked stopper
- Two slings
- A dagger
- 400 silver coins if not more
- potion with what looked less like a fluid and more like vapors inside
- 2 coppery swords
- Dermot
- A metal breastplate
- A metal helmet
- well over 100 copper coins
- strange looking mace of black iron
- A shield
- A bow
- Dwarf-sized breastplate
- Grei
- 3 semi-precious stones (tiger's eye by your reckoning)
- A unique necklace of shells (?) with what looks like a praying woman dangling from the end
- two vials of a murky and viscous looking fluid
- Small harp
- Jasper
Adventure Points Earned
- Lizardman defeated/caused to flee: 30 AP (all)
- L2SR on IQ to identify militiaman's wounds/source - Mad Dermot: this roll may have been completed slightly incorrectly, so let's just call it 20 AP even for now
- L2SR on DX to dodge incoming initial bolts - Algernon: 18 AP
- L2SR on DX to dodge incoming initial bolts - Mad Dermot: 10 AP
- L2SR on DX to dodge incoming initial bolts - Grei: 18 AP (after second attempt to make SR)
- L1SR on IQ to determine a way to cause Tragusses to attack one another - Mad Dermot: 14 AP
- Floating-head Tragssuses defeated (x2): 40 AP (all)
- Spider-like Tragssuses defeated (x3): 153 AP (all)
- Returning safely to ShaRass: 20 AP (all)
- L1SR on IQ to identify a good fence - Algernon: 18 AP
- L1SR on IQ to identify a good fence - Mad Dermot: 16 AP
- Finishing the first adventure (halfway): 50 AP (all)
- L1SR on CHA to identify if the hobbs were a threat or not - Algernon: 9 AP
- L1SR on DEX to find a sneaky way to attack the betting Tragssusses - Algernon: 7 AP
- L1SR on DEX to find a sneaky way to attack the betting Tragssusses - Mad Dermot: 8 AP
- L1SR on DEX to find a sneaky way to attack the betting Tragssusses - Grei: 14 AP
- Handily defeating 5 surprised Tragssuses: 255 AP (all)
Game World
- The game world is the traditional one of Trollworld, and you are currently on The Dragon Continent, Rrr'lff.
House & Core Rules
- Spite damage will be utilized in order to speed combat along.
- The MR rating for creatures will decrease as they weaken.
- Humans will get a second SR check if the first roll does not come up as a value of 3.
- Spite damage always cuts through armor and will be taken as CON or MR hits as per the core rules.