Mage: Broken by Moonlight, Game 24 Feb 2018

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Dramatis Personae


  • Kim - Raven
  • Andy - Gretchen
  • Maer - Kat
  • Jim – Sebastian

Brief Description of Events

After some investigation our intrepid heroes uncover that the common ingredient in all the seemingly random avatar attachments was a new personal assistant application (called Voxy) that was loaded on the phones of all the victims.

They track the maker (New Light Software) to rented space in the former Nortel Networks facility off of Davis Drive.

The massive facility is mostly abandoned, with only two easily distracted guards and many broken cameras. Early on they notice a small section of the building that seems to be absorbing all magic that is sent towards it, creating a ‘dead zone’ where spells won’t work.

The team breaks in through the loading dock, make some use of Raven’s “Tesla’s Paradox” issues to overcome electronic locks and cameras.

The no-magic zone was on the far side of the manufacturing zone in a second floor office space without an obvious entry other than a window.

Sebastian and later Kat attempts to view and/or brute force their way into the space without success.

Then, someone inside the area opens fire with an automatic weapon.

Raven and an injured Sebastian run towards a fire exit. There the find a set of stairs to the second floor and eventually fight a unicorn (real, this time) whose primary power are fascination and adoration. Raven botches her resistance and Sebastian fails more than once (his willpower is either 0 or 1 at this point). However they hold their own and eventually cause the floor underneath the unicorn to weaken and fail.

Kat and Gretchen get away from the gunman by going deeper into the building on the first floor. They eventually find a plastered over stairwell and get to the second floor where they have to take on several mentally controlled mythical beasties, including several goblins and a Naga.

They defeat them and deactivate the Avatar storage facility and no-magic field by destroying the machinery. The magic beasties seem to be unable to handle being outside of the no-magic field and proceed to quickly and painfully disintegrate.

All’s well that ends well for the most part, but Raven will continue to dream fondly of unicorns for several days.

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