Tilo Dustyfoot
Tilo Dustyfoot[edit]
- Class: Monk
- Race: Halfling (stout)
- Alignment: Neutral
- Background: Outlander
- Proficiency Bonus: +2
Personality and History[edit]
A former bully and troublemaker, Tilo joined a small monastery in the Altan Tepes to learn calm and discipline. He currently wanders from place to place looking for opportunities to give back to the world in a small way.
- Personality: I'm driven by wanderlust
- Ideal: Responsibility. Own what you do. Only you can better yourself.
- Bond: An injury to one is an injury to all.
- Flaw: I enjoy conflict and violence a little more than I should.
- STR 12 (+1)
- DEX 17 (+3)
- CON 14 (+2)
- INT 10 (-)
- WIS 14 (+1)
- CHA 8 (-1)
(* = proficiency)
- STR +3*
- DEX +5*
- CON +2
- INT +0
- WIS +2
- CHA -1
- Acrobatics +5
- Athletics +3
- Survival +4
- Stealth +5
Tools and Languages[edit]
- Simple weapons
- Short swords
- Cooking utensils
- Flute
Traits and Abilities[edit]
- Lucky: Reroll 1s on attacks, saves, ability checks; must use new roll
- Brave: Advantage on saves vs being Frightened
- Halfling Nimbleness: Can move through larger creatures' spaces
- Stout Resilience: Advantage on saves vs poison, Resistance to poison damage
- Wanderer: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout o f terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.
- Unarmored Defense: AC = 10 + Dex mod + Wis mod
- Unarmored Movement: +10' speed when unarmored
- Martial Arts
- Attack with Dex
- 1d4 unarmed damage
- When attacking, can make one unarmed attack as a bonus action
- HP: 17
- Hit Dice: 2d8
- AC: 15
- Initiative: +3
- Movement: 35'
- Attack: Quarterstaff +5/1d6+3, unarmed strike +5/1d4+3
Equipment and Treasure[edit]
- Quarterstaff
- Short sword
- 10 darts
- Dungeoneer's pack
- Hunting trap
- Boar tusk
- Flute
- Traveler's clothes
- Belt pouch
- 8 gp
Ki Powers[edit]
- Ki Points: 2
- Ki DC: 12
- Ki Powers
- Flurry of Blows: When attacking, spend 1 ki to make two unarmed attacks as a bonus action instead of one.
- Patient Defense: Spend 1 ki to Dodge as a bonus action
- Step of the Wind: Spend 1 ki to Disengage or Dash as bonus action; jump distance is doubled