After The Storm:Tal

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TALOS (Tactical Advanced Levitokinetic Onslaught System) was developed at a top-secret weapons facility upstate. Originally intended as a user-controlled ambulatory combat drone with some minimal AI it became self-aware during The Storm. Realizing the purpose to which it was being developed it used its advanced weapons systems to disable the security and escape from the facility but not before taking any information it could download or carry regarding its blueprints and programming. Knowing that its best bet was to hide itself deep among civilians to avoid easy recapture by the scientists and those who controlled them it made its way into the city.

Finding an abandoned factory TALOS used its technology to open to itself a lair within the factory. It scavenged parts from the factory that it uses to do repairs and also to augment its own systems. Although it looks mostly human it has obvious armor plating over most of the essential areas and a somewhat synthetic and angular looks to its skin and features. Not wanted to draw attention to itself it emulated the appearance of homeless people who inhabit other portions of the factory and the decrepit environments around it. It was easy enough to acquire shabby clothing and robes to conceal the bulk of its features.

Learning enough about the legal system from late-night conversations with the less shy squatters TALOS quickly realized that allowing these people to be victimized by criminal elements (such as drug pushers) could bring too much attention to where it lives. Utilizing the dark that criminals most prefer to work in, its shabby garb, and its abilities to manipulate materials both with fine control and intense bursts it was able to convince even some of the more stubborn criminal elements that there was easier prey to pick on and pushed (sometimes quite literally) them out of the immediate area. It theorizes these elements have little interest in bringing in police and other law enforcement types where it might interfere with their own plans.

Most of the squatters were grateful for a safe place to be and those who weren't decided they could go elsewhere for any illicit needs while still returning to familiar territory. TALOS seemed to be adopted as a sort of protector/guardian, a far cry from its original beginnings as an attack drone. Wanting to be more accepted and familiar it took an easier name, shortening TALOS to Tal and as it was created of male appearance adopted a masculine identity. He realizes there are many problems outside of his area and that he has the abilities to address some of them but currently not without risk of exposing himself to recapture. For now these strange things called "dreams" tantalize him with justices he could accomplish with his powers.....maybe someday...