DissidiaTemplar West Marches/The World

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The World

The Beginning Period

After the Armageddon, the land was ripe for new factions.

The Genesishydra lays the seeds for Monsterkind Year 100

The Genesishydra - the mother of monsters who undoubtedly survived Armageddon - in its eternal cycle, stirs once more, seeding the land, air, water, and aether beyond with her only by-product: The monsters of myth. Some hatch, grow or germinate quickly, becoming the earliest monsters of the new era. Others are buried deep and won't come alive for a millennia, or until disturbed by forces far later. Some take the form of insidious ideas, lodged in sapients' minds, growing and spreading as the thought is shared. The denizens of the land at the time have many names for the monsters that now stalk them in the dark: Eldrazi, Couroni, Felk, Kaiju, Kami, dinosaur, and even more for the particular breeds and individuals they come across, or are devastated by.

Their is no knowable purpose to the mother of monsters' spawn, but they seem to exist at a cross-point of evolution, and each breed is unique - united only by one single behavior: each works to feed, protect, or otherwise serve the ever-enduring Genesishyrda. Beyond that, their presence stirs fear into the hearts of those who can feel it, provide deadly challenge for any heroic enough to hunt them, and resources to those capable enough down them and make use of their extraordinary remains.

The Age of a Thousand sparks Year 110

The messenger of the gods, tiny Tiktoskr, seeing the struggle of mortals against the children of the Genesishydra, steals knowledge from the missives he is given and bestows it upon the mortal races. Using the stolen secrets, the mortal races start a march of invention and innovation, creating weapons, devices, and more to aid them in their struggle for survival. The gods punish Tiktoskr's well-meaning treachery, and he is not seen by the mortal races after. The fate of the messenger-god is a mystery.

The Coagulation Period

Solitary scavengers skimming through the scree of once-cities. Some survivalists skulking across the landscape. Strong-arms setting upon those unfortunate enough to be seen. Several skills dissappear 'After', simply not useful as hard-scrabble.

Eventually small groups begin to collese, like single cell organisms clustering. For strength in numbers, for mutual protection, for possible futures. The small groups merge into larger bodies, sometimes as welcome additions of knowledge & labor, sometimes consumed as food & resources.

Structure and culture begin to reappear after basic needs are met. Some tribes continue to roam benignly, starting trade. Other roamers prey on those they encounter, marking out territory. Some tribes settle in one spot. Agriculture expands. Craft trades and specialized skills develope. Knowledge again becomes useful to have. Popluations grow, colonizing the surrounding land.

Government, or at least controlling entities, enforce their version of cultural values. Conflict arises between neighbors when those values differ, sometimes minor things pushed by strident voices. Other major differences are accepted as actually unimportant in the greater scheme.

The body of society has re-formed from its scattered parts.

The (Short Lived) Human Empire of Farven Period

Realizing that the lands were once again relatively safe and independent, a group of humans in the northern reaches got the idea that if they banded together, they may be able to rule it for themselves. After all, humans tended to be more ambitious and adaptable than other races, and they felt that should give them an edge. In the short term, it worked, and they made quick progress conquering other lands that were neither expecting an attack, nor prepared and able to defend from one. However, it turned out the humans in charge were terrible at keeping this mess organized and together. Corruption ran rampant among the upper circles, and the humans became complacent in their success. After only a century of rule, many other races banded together and revolted against them. When they were actually prepared and ready, they were capable of much more power and strategy than the humans could ever be. The empire fell as quickly as it had risen. Many of the longer lived races still view humans with scorn and as second-class citizens for their race's actions.

The Mysterious Vanishing of Farvenor 380

At the height of the Farven Empire, Farvenor, the capital and largest city of the empire of Farven was one day enveloped in a thick fog/mist. Trade to and from the huge city stopped as anyone that went into the fog vanished without a trace. As word from the capital city ceased, the other cities in the empire began to go about their business. After several months the fog lifted, all on the same day, but there wasn't a trace left of the city. No giant palaces, no buildings, no fountains or statues, no pillars that once supported the government buildings, not even an indent in the ground where the city had been. It had simply vanished, without a trace, as if it had never existed.

The nearby grasslands went unbroken throughout the entire area of the city. The only evidence it had existed was the road that had led into the fog stopping suddenly at tall grasses.

Stories tell of the great city that vanished in the fog and nearly everyone in the world (of any species/race) worry that the mysterious fog could engulf one of their cities without warning.

There are those that claim they can foretell when a fog may appear, but they are rarely, if ever, correct and just provide more mystery to the situation.

Hylkos and the Ascension of Ahniet 390

In the final years of the Farven empire Ahniet, a mage of some renown, leads a group of human refugees to the Hylkos isles. Uninhabited because of naturally occurring (and potentially deadly) spontaneous magical phenomena, Ahniet binds the local energies to create magical traps and wards defending the isles. Local civilization begins and more humans join as the situation in the empire proper continue to deteriorate.

Ahniet eventually realizes that the local magical energies are a result of a ley line running particularly "close" to the material word. Experimenting with this wellspring of energy, she undoes herself and is reborn as a demigod of humanity, protection, magic, and lateral thinking. Worshippers and most human sources in general depict her transformation as an act of brilliance. Most non-human sources are inclined to depict her ascension as nearly fatal and half an accident, an example of what humans are inclined to get up to when tampering with forces beyond their comprehension.

The Rise of the Molinari Period

Upon reaching the surface, the once great Molinari splinter off from Anari, creating two factions. The Molinari, a translucent skinned, biped, semi-aquatic race that functioned as workers and scientists in Anari society. The Anari, a hard shelled, biped semi-aquatic race that functions as warriors and leaders in Anari society. When the Molinari first burrowed to the outside, the sunlight set their evolution into full power. When Molinari are exposed to sunlight, their body begins photosynthesizing energy which manifests as arching electricity. When the Anari are exposed to sunlight, their body begins similarly generate power, but it manifests in large amounts of heat and fire. This revelation splits the Anari when the Molinari want to explore the new, tropical world while the Anari want to seal it up and stay underground and unlike when they were underground both are now on equal footing.

Time of the Webbed Moon

The Arachnos, spider monster people with centaur-like configuration, and one of the Genesishydra’s most heinous offspring, follow the Molinari to the surface. While they cannot abide the direct touch of the sun itself, they lurk in caves, slinking out at night to ensnare, kidnap and abduct fresh prey which they drag down their holes, suck dry of most nutrients and then their nest mothers plant a host of eggs in which explode out of their host-corpse a while later numbering in the thousands with some of the features of their dead food source. Nearly every sentient race has the possibility of being turned into these vile creatures and so all become prey to the newest terror of the night. The people are forced to limit any outside nightly activity. Fire and Light production become a major development focus, for they are what can drive back the Arachnos. Cultures gather around Beacons of Mana, naturally bright fonts of magic that follow the stars movements and are further brightened by the inventions of the races surviving around them, but this attracts the attention of more sinister, less picky monsters as well… Worship of the Light becomes a major religion in many communities, due to its new-found usefulness. Eventually, a band of heroes representing most of the races slays Arachne, terrible Queen of Arachnos, direct Daughter of the Genesishydra, and the land is able to begin to recover.