The War Tusk

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Once the mount of a Made God named Jordungond, this beast's master was lost or destroyed, leaving the creature to roam the Howlers' lands on its own, attacking everything it comes across in a blind rage. The monster appears as a giant mammoth with multiple tusks and raging red eyes.

AC: 3 Move: 60’ Hit Dice: 15 Save: 8+ Attack: +10 (3 Attacks) Damage: 1d8 X 2 (Feet Stomp), 1d10 Tusks (The War Tusk deals straight Damage) Morale: 12 Effort: 5 Special Attacks/Defenses Charge: The War Tusk commits an Effort and can move up to its full movement speed and automatically hit one opponent with its tusk attack. Quake: Commit Effort and cause a quake that spreads in a 60 foot radius. Those in the area, must make a Save vs. Evasion or fall and take 1d8 damage. Saving will half the damage (rounded down but not below 1 damage). Those falling must use an action to get back up again. Rage: As long as the War Tusk makes an attack after, it can expend an effort to ignore the effects of one attack that does physical damage to it if it has not attacked yet.