Carrier Group:PlayerCharacters
Carrier Group
All the player characters created for the Carrier Group Campaign.
Ronald Depmsey (Dude_Normal)

Ronald isn't a good man. He wasn't one before the apocalypse started and nothing's happened since the fall of society to change that fact.
Born the eldest of three children to a single mother, Ronnie had to grow up quickly to provide for his mother and siblings. At the age of eight, he'd taken up begging in the slums that he resided in and at the age of thirteen he'd take up courier jobs across town for shady individuals
Growing up he'd do his best to provide for his penniless family. He'd work long hours on the dockyard of his town, carrying crates to and fro but it wasn't enough. He learned from a work acquaintance of an illegal fist fighting ring run in the dock warehouses at night so he'd decided to join for an extra buck. Ronnie won his first fight then his second and by the end of the night he'd won enough money to comfortably provide for his family as well as becoming the new rookie favorite.
Time went by and things were looking up for Ronnie until the apocalypse happened. Ronnie planned to privately sail away to someplace safe with his family with the help of a friend however in the docks he got separated holding off a pack of zombies.
Over the last four years, Ronnie's been wandering around the country looking for any sign of his family to little avail mostly because he keeps getting sidetracked and he doesn't know how to drive.
Hajjah Fatima Jimenez (Insertame)
"Where are you from?"
Islamabad (Bartertown). Fatima moved to California upon her marriage to Muhammad Omer, who at the time was living in Silicon Valley as a quite successful computer programmer. The marriage was arranged by their very traditional parents. Fatima thought of herself as traditional, but it's hard to cling to old values in the midst of California. The worst part of it all was that Omer wasn't a bad person, just incredibly tedious and full of himself.
Fatima divorced him, but he managed to walk out with custody of their son. Fatima has done her best to stay part of his life, but it's hard now that Omer has moved to Chicago. Fatima's family was incensed, and she still hasn't really made up with them over it all.
She got a job at a scrapyard and put an old interest in cars her parents had long tried to stifle to good use. She became a good mechanic and made enough to become comfortable.
A few years later she married an American, Alejandro Jimenez (who was proud to say his family had been in California long before it was American). He was also Catholic, which made family relations even more tense all around. They had their own children and Fatima was happy to navigate her way into almost matching the stereotype of a soccer mom. Things haven't always been easy, and life was never as simple as it was supposed to be, but with her loving husband and two beautiful children it was happier than she had ever anticipated.
"What were you doing when the zombie pandemic struck your community and how did you survive the initial outbreak?"
Fatima was at the hospital. Tariq had the flu bad. One of the earlier outbreaks occurred when a man with AIDS died from the original flu. At the time it was marked down as a singular incident, just a lone man going mad and biting doctors. She saw him, though, with torn flesh in his mouth and nothing in his eyes, and she knew something was wrong. But she didn't know what.
She took Tariq home immediately and started hoarding supplies and refusing to leave unless absolutely necessary. Al insisted she was just in some kind of shock, and he probably was right, but the mad paranoia turned out correct when the neighborhood started getting crazy. Unfortunately, ready she was to hole up, Fatima wasn't ready when Juanita, immune system weakened from the earlier flu, got sick. By that point the hospitals were down and she couldn't find a doctor. They did everything they could.
After her darling daughter tore a chunk out of her husband, Fatima was forced to kill her with a shovel to protect Tariq. Al didn't last much longer, but at least Fatima didn't have to kill him. She managed to lock him in the basement instead. Then they left.
"How have you survived the following years?"
Turns out a minivan can plow over a lot of people with minimal damage. Fatima is a believer in using tools to balance out her own physical un-impressiveness, and so was quick to adopt firearms and stay in vehicles whenever feasible. Fatima became increasingly erratic in some ways, but desperation made her cling to what she had all the harder. When the car broke down, she upgraded. (At this point I was considering going for an armored old School Bus, but that seems more the Haulers thing) Now she's got a damn Hummer that's seen some ridiculous work.
Tariq was with her up until a few months ago. It says something about how bad everything's going that she felt genuinely good when she put a bullet in his head. Yeah, it sucked, but it was better than leaving him as he was.
Now, her last child is somewhere in Chicago, hopefully alive, and Fatima has developed a stare that looks like it can see that far.
Bernard Armstrong Wallace (Cale Knight)
Age: 45 Build: Wiry Personality: Obliviously cheerful and optimistic
Bernard Armstrong Wallace grew up in 1980s suburbia, a nerd at the height of nerd ostracism. He devoured science fiction, played AD&D with the few friends he had, and generally did his best to keep to himself and avoid getting beaten up.
After graduating high school, Bernard took a summer job with a long-haul trucking company. He didn't come home for almost a decade. The open road was a place of solitude and peace. He ate up the miles, content with first books-on-tape, then on CD, and then (wonder of wonders) the golden age of digital audiobooks.
The apocalypse hasn't really changed much for Bernard. His folks died a few years before it happened, and the demand for long-haul truckers never actually went away. He hauled emergency supplies during the initial outbreak, almost always with military escort. By the time the military collapsed, they'd helped him make a number of modifications to his rig that would have been... questionable at any other time.
But the roads are still good. There's still stuff to haul. The convoys he drives with aren't exactly the same as before, but there's still a unique camradarie on the road. Nobody really pays with money anymore, but they always pay. So long as his sound system still works, and so long as his library of audiobooks and podcasts is still accessible... the world inside his rig is a cozy enough place.
Bernard attempts to stay in his rig whenever possible. Since his cabin is nigh impenetrable by zombies, he often parks in infested areas at night - a horde of shamblers is a better defense than just about anything else. The cabin is his home base and his safety blanket all in one.
Gideon Crofter (Cerulean Lion)
Age: 28 years. Height 5'11". Hair, dirty blond. Eyes, blue.
I'm a Canadian from the small town of Spider Lake in New Brunswick. I was a mechanic by trade. It quickly got annoying to see how often repair just meant plugging in a new module or dealing with a glitch in a computerized system. So I began tinkering with older designs to see what I could do. From there I developed an interest in archaic weapons. I learned to make them and then to use them. I never expected my hobby skills to become survival skills.
I wasn't at home when the excrement hit the rotary air impeller. I had decided to take a trip to find out how well my obsolete-design car would work under real operating conditions.
I was in northern California when the epidemic became a pandemic and society started to fall apart. I have survived since then by hiring out, usually as a mechanic or courier or to transport people.
I lost the car near Henley Heliport, that's where Bernard picked me up. Trusting sort of fellow, Bernard was. I've been trying to make sure he never regrets it.
We met the rest at an abandoned rest stop not far from San Diego. We shot some Walkers together and bonded over the experience. Good people, I think. I hope we all survive.
Ryan Craig (Billy Bones)
Age: 33 Build: Lean, muscular Personality: Pleasant with a country likability, Doesn't trust many people, Known to 'flip the switch' on his personality
Ryan Craig's background is mostly classified. Rumors are that he came from West Texas. On deployment when the 'before life' ended, he has spent his time mostly in shadows and the underground since the apocalypse. A member of clandestine Naval Special Operations 'before', he now is employed by the highest bidder. Craig spends his time mostly hired by Bartertown Mayors and Commissioners to seek out former Sentinels who have turned to more corrupt means of getting by.
Ryan Craig climbs out from under a pile of rubbish, face painted in different colors, dusty, and old trickles of sweat leaving dried rivulets down his face. From his sniper's hide he stands, ripped camo pants with a single knee pad around the right ankle. Gun belt riding low, he manages a "howdy" and returns the pistol to its holster. He pulls the jean jacket tighter around the flannel shirt that has seen better days. An old ball cap bearing his unit's insignia is clamped tightly around shoulder length hair. The shemagh covers most of his face. When it is finally pulled down, his full beard seems more unruly than his overall appearance. He places his sunglasses atop his hat and wipes down the suppressor with a dirty handkerchief from his back pocket. "Ya'll should be a bit more careful 'round here."
Ryan slowly holsters his pistol. He keeps his hands at his sides but turns them palm out to show no intent of harm. "I've been out here looking for...well...somebody in particular. Doesn't look like ya'll." Craig tilts his head back just enough so they can see his eyes. "Names Budweiser, 'cause, ya' know," he sheepishly shrugs and points to the Eagle and Trident logo on his ball cap, "Navy and all. You can call me Bud." A wide smile showing nearly perfect teeth has disarmed the most discriminating ladies, but here, now, is a different story. He hopes it has the same effect.''
Katya "Katy" Imonova (Cattrina)
The New Dawn (initium novum)
38 years old, auburn brown hair, buff & sturdy built
Katya was a science-teacher in high school, she excels in physics, chemistry and engineering. Her passion was teaching young minds and making them get excited about science and this has now extended on trying to keep the lore and knowledge alive. She will rescue books right after humans, over supplies, sometimes before people.
She is originally from Russia, but immigrated to the US two decades ago to study the sciences. She left her entire family behind, and is presuming them all dead.
She is a hands on, no-nonsense, 'let's deal with this' -type, with good persuasion skills. Although she is not built like a gazelle, one cannot help but like her, as her witty remarks lighten the otherwise so drag atmosphere.
She survived the initial virus with just her strong immunity, but when she realized the whole pandemic, she packed everything that was in the school laboratory (that she could muster) and stuffed them in a van and went hiding in a WW2 bunker her neighbor and friend Carl had prepared (he was planning it for a nuclear apocalypse, but, hey an apocalypse is an apocalypse). She spent the first year within that, listening to radio, doing a bit scavenging etc. But then her neighbor died (old age) and turned. He was like a father to her and she had to shoot through his head. It was time to move on. 'Uncle' Carl's legacy was to teach her to shoot and maintain weaponry, also many survival skills. She is resourceful
Her short-term goal is to gather information and knowledge (from books and people) old knowledge to be preserved and new knowledge about the virus. She is no virologist, so she needs to find a good one, pronto. Her mid-term aim is to gather, build and maintain a new community and teach the children of it, her dream is to reinstate the state of affairs like they were, but for that she needs to first know if the virus is spread from mother to the fetus. If it is, she needs to find untainted women, they will be top on her list.