Voyages Of The Blue Rosie

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Background information




Character Generation Rules

1.) Come up with a character concept. This is a rough idea of the sort of hero you’d like to play.

2.) Determine abilities. These are your character’s core physical and mental attributes.

3.) Choose a race. Your character can be a human, night person, sea-folk, vata (either the “light” vata’an or “dark” vata’sha), or one of the rhydan (intelligent, awakened animals).

4.) Determine background. Your background is where your hero came from and what influenced their early learning experiences.

5.) Choose a class. This is your character’s calling in life. You can choose adept, expert, or warrior.

6.) Pick your character’s important equipment.

7.) Calculate Defense and Speed. Both are important in combat encounters.

8.) Pick a name. Every hero needs a good name!

9.) Choose your character’s Goals and persona. They help give your character personality.

10.) Determine your hero’s Relationships. These are important connections to other characters and groups which motivate and inspire your characters.

General Rules

Combat Rules


Players / Characters:

1) ajdynon /

2) squidheadjax /

3) Andrensath /

4) Alvyn /

5) Shawn_Hagen /