MTH:Transitory Conditions

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General Conditions[edit]


You are nearly uncontrollable in your anger. All Composure rolls are reduced to a change die. Attacks you make which are All-Out Attacks have the 9-again quality.

Possible Causes: Harm to something cherished. An exceptional success on an attempt to get you mad. A dramatic failure on an attempt to influence you in a positive way.

Resolution: Fail an important roll due to this Condition. Cause harm to something important. A scene passes after gaining the Condition. If appropriate, the character may take on the Obsessed condition related to a vendetta sparked by whatever caused this condition.


You are a wellspring of calm. Composure rolls you make have the 9-again quality. Attempts to harsh your mellow are reduced to a chance die.

Possible Causes: Exceptional success in meditation, sex, or a calming performance.

Resolution: Use the benefit of this condition. Take a lethal level of damage. Gain any emotional condition other than Joyful. Harm or aggravation done in your vicinity. Alternatively, you may resolve this condition to gain a willpower point.


Innocent happiness swells within you.

Possible Causes: Exceptional success on any roll that does not focus on harm or damage.

Resolution: Take a lethal level of damage. Gain any negative emotional condition other. Harm or aggravation done in your vicinity. Alternatively, you may spend this condition as if it was a willpower point.


You are filled with regret, mournfulness, or general sadness about something specific.

Possible Causes: Breaking Point (may replace Guilty where applicable), Dramatic Failure with meaningful consequences, rejection, seriously regrettable actions.

Resolution: Preform restitution in some fashion. Do something self-destructive. Learn something that negates the cause.

K-R Conditions[edit]

The Kubler-Ross Model AKA: The Five Stages of Grief.

The 5 stages of grief are recognized as occurring when a person faces her own imminent death, faces the death of a loved one, or experiences some other drastic loss. The following Conditions simulate their presence in game.

Kubler-Ross Condition set is an opt-in mechanic. A player may take it when she feels her character suffers from significant grief.

In almost all cases, the initial recognition of the tragedy could also count for an Aspiration change or addition, as something fundamental enough to trigger Kubler-Ross is something very important to the character’s identity and sense of self.

A character can have only one Kubler-Ross Condition at a time. They don't overlap. If the character suffers another major loss it may cause one of the Conditions presented here to switch places with another one, but it does not resolve that Condition in doing so.


Your character has suffered a great tragedy, such as the loss of a loved one. She loses the 10-again quality on any action relating to the tragedy, or analogous to it. However, she takes an almost manic approach to other actions, and receives 9-again on endeavors that she undertakes when specifically avoiding addressing the tragedy.

Resolution: Ignore something important enough to make it a real problem. Once resolved, take on the Anger, Bargaining, Depression or Acceptance Condition if you feel it is appropriate.


Your character is prone to lash out at something, to displace the grief. She suffers -2 to all Composure-based rolls, and loses 10-again on Mental rolls due to her agitation. She also gains 9-again on any all-out attack rolls, instead of the normal +2.

Resolution: Break something important or hurt someone, emotionally in particular. Exacerbate a normal source of anger into something excessively heated. This should constitute a breaking point (yours, or someone else's), which you brought about, or something otherwise dramatically significant. Once resolved, take on the Bargaining, Depression or Acceptance Condition if you feel it is appropriate.


Your character attempts to compromise away the sense of tragedy. Attempt to offer up a significant, dramatic sacrifice in order to abate the source of grief. Any time she’s making a sacrifice in order to delay the inevitable or refuse the loss, she achieves exceptional success on three successes instead of five on a related roll.

Resolution: Experience a significant loss or disadvantage by choice for the purpose of symbolically rectifying or mitigating the loss. Once resolved, take on the Depression or Acceptance Condition if you feel it is appropriate.


Your character is beginning to face the truth of the loss, and it fucking hurts. Take a -2 and lose 10-again on all actions. Gain a beat the first time in a scene she takes a self-destructive act.

Resolution: Accept the tragedy. It can be reflected by any significant action that shows your character has moved on. Once resolved, take on the Acceptance Condition if you feel it is appropriate.


Your character is moving on, and coming to terms with the tragedy. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. She draws inward, and has a time of stark acceptance. She cannot spend Willpower during this time, as she attempts to replenish her inner reserves. Fulfilling her Virtue (or equivalent) only garners a single Willpower point, but it can be done once a scene.

Resolution: She must refresh her Willpower points, after entirely emptying her pool.