Freedom City: Dark Deco
Welcome to the Freedom City: Dark Deco campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "Freedom City: Dark Deco". This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be editted by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".
Freedom City is a fictional, city-based campaign setting for the roleplaying game Mutants and Masterminds. It was designed by Steve Kenson, whose design philosophy for the setting seems based-on and in honor of several classic comic book icons and concepts.
A Dark Deco style will give Freedom an extraordinary look, redefining the image of the city. The campaign will also revamp classic characters, casting a unique perspective on their origins and personalities.
Freedom City, a metropolis where shadows run long and deep, beneath elevated train tracks. The heroes begin their crimefighting, working tirelessly trying to establish themselves, all to bring justice to crime-ridden Freedom City. Finding their way as protector, defender and costumed crusaders all alone in the night...
Setting Background
Set somewhere on the east coast of the United States - possibly New Jersey - Freedom City's history dates back to colonial times when superhero|super heroes first appeared there during the Revolutionary War. People with super-powers have existed throughout Earth’s history, but have become more prominent and numerous in the last few decades.
The extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega has launched invasion attempts on the city in the past but has yet to maintain a beachead.
People & Groups
Current superhuman residents of Freedom City include:
- The Atom Family
- The Collective (a gestalt of intelligent albino cockroaches)
- Eldrich (the master magus)
- Foreshadow
- The Centurion
- The Liberty League
- The Raven
Other superbeings include:
- Conundrum
- The Crime League
- Dr. Simian
- Dr. Sin
- Fear-Master
- The Green Man
- Malador the Mystic
- Megalodon
- Omega, Lord of the Terminus
- Quirk
- Talos
- Terra King
- Toy Boy
- X-Isle, the Living City
Locations of Interest
News & Events
Campaign Recaps
- [Back Issue Bin]: game session recaps. Freedom City: Dark Deco serial campaign is broken into story arcs. What are Story Arcs?
Campaign Construction
Who are the Dark Deco Heroes? ... .
- [Campaign Background]
- Formula
- Themes
- Genre
- Mood
- Inspiration
- House Rules
- Easter Eggs
- [Game Inspiration Quotes]
- [Quotes from the Freedom City: Dark Deco Game Sessions]
- visit Green Ronin's home page: Green Ronin Publishing
- visit Mutants and Masterminds' home page: M&M "Headquarters"
- visit the M&M Forums: M&M Forum - "the Atomic Think Tank"
- What is a Wiki?
- What else can I Wiki? Wikipedia
- What is a RPG? RPG Wiki
- What is M&M? M&M Wiki
- What is a GM? Game Master
- What is a PC?
- Freedom City: Dark Deco Spoilers: GM EYES ONLY, NOT for players of this campaign!!