Europa unchained:Keeffe

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Concept: Sexpot Flower-Bee-Woman

Invoke: Be seductive, Be a pretty flower thing, Face full of Bees!, Move in ways a human can't, Sense things All around really well, be resilient to bludgeoning bulls (she bends when hit, no bones), Create clouds of bees to prevent motion

Compel: Instantly fall for an attractive meat person (Keeffe isn't particularly picky about gender), get in trouble in the dark, cause a disruption in the bees that messes up her ability to think straight, draw the attention of undesirables interested in her obvious scientific/monetary status as a unique spark creation, get sick from things people can't, get easily tossed around

Bee Run Pseudo-Sentient Plant: "I ahm a very ahdvanced seemulahtion of sentiuhnce"

Invoke: Defend against introspective emotions, Dismiss fears, Do non-emotional thinking super well, Convince someone to think of her as a tool, Get a boost to something existence-threatening

Compel: Put self in danger without concern, Easily convince her of the invalidity of her agency so she does nothing or goes along with someone else's idea regardless of merit, be treated by others as not a person

Banter: Flirty and French

Invoke: Generally in social situations really, seduction, breaking tension, distracting someone, giving someone else a boost, creating obstacles to someone being mean, knowing things of high culture and fashion, being obviously not from around here (if being a plant wasn't a tip off)

Compel: The accent becomes impenetrable at a crucial moment, attract the attention of an abhorrent admirer, turns out they don't trust foreigners, fail to know local details

Intrigue: Hunted by the Comte du Cadavresbois

Invoke: Hide, Blend in with an Environment, Know Something about the Comte, Recognize the Comte's thugs, Fight the Comte or his minions, run (even if not from the Comte she's had practice) Compel: Get in trouble with the Comte or his goons, Avoid a potentially useful time and place in favor of keeping a low profile, Get blackmailed

Omega: Overwhelming Optimism

Invoke: Cheer people up, Keep a bright attitude in a bad spot, Throw into positive interactions with a gusto, look death in the eye and know you'll be fine Compel: Look death in the eye and think you'll be fine, Trust someone you really shouldn't, Utterly fail to plan because things will work out


Good: Bee Run Pseudo-Sentient Plant, (Athletics, Bees!, Notice, Provoke, Rapport, Science!)

Fair: Banter

Average: Intrigue

+5 Rapport, Athletics
+4 Bees!, Notice, Provoke, Will
+3 Contacts, Deceive, Science!,
+2 Empathy
+1 Stealth, Burglary

Bees! Overcome: Gather information from ordinary bees, or send out own bees to spy and scout. Especially good for navigation (bees mostly know directions and flowers), but a bee on the wall can overhear a lot, even if it alone can't understand it. Notably this is good for finding things without personally being near them. Attack: Stinging people with swarms of bees causes physical harm. Create Advantage: Buzzing in people's faces, squirming under a shirt, seeing people from behind, there's a lot a little bee can do to gain an advantage.


Signature Aspect: Sexpot Flower-Bee-Woman

Cheer up mon ami! Can use Rapport to remove Mental Consequences of others (not yourself).

Tug the Heartstrings Get +3 instead of +2 when invoking emotion based Advantages/Boosts she placed on a target.


Mind Run on Bees!

Absolute Notice, but Weak to Wind (winds disrupt both her pheremones and the actual bees, making causing Keeffe's mind to basically switch off, or at least operate really poorly)

Enhanced Venom: Weapon 2 with Bees!

Enraged Hive: +2 to Attack with Bees! against any enemy that successfully struck her in the previous round. 3 Benefits

Plant Body Fatigueproof (while far from bulletproof, Keeffe is resistant to most physical stress that doesn't come with a Weapon Value, she cannot be conventionally starved since she photosynthesizes and her bees eat honey made from her nectar, nor can she actually tire from physical activity, her overall mass and pliability makes her able to fall pretty much any distance unharmed in normal gravity, and punches and kicks are disipated into her body. Anything with a Weapon Value hurts her normally, though), but weak to Cold

Pliable: +2 to any Athletics rolls to contortortion, squeezing and otherwise bending the body.

Just some Flowers: +2 to any Stealth rolls to hide in an area with Foilage 3 Benefits

So, she adds 4 to the GM's reserve.

Backstory: Keeffe is actually the creation of Comte Julian du Cadavresbois, a spark botanist of extraordinary skill and renown (at least, to other botanists). She was proof of his ability to simulate consciousness, and therefore the basis to move forwards.

He displayed her to Marius Brunvich when the man was staying with him some years ago (the Comte is fond of taking in other botanists as assistants, and Brunvich's easy going nature made him less likely to let his ego reject the label). Over the course of his stay Brunvich uncovered that the Comte intended to use Keeffe as the starting point to create more advanced simulated sentiences, using grafts of her carefully bred flowers and bees from her hives. It sounded marvelous, until Brunvich realized that the Comte intended the new breeds of flower creatures to not be pleasant company like Keeffe, but instead to be an arborous army!

His own desires to improve the world took over, and Brunvich convinced Keeffe (who, frankly, wasn't so big on the whole army idea anyways) to run off with him. She has kept by Lord Brunvich's side ever since, but Cadavresbois hasn't relented in his pursuit yet (it took him more than a decade to cultivate Keeffe, and it he'd rather recapture her than start from scratch). Hired goons, covert agents, and the occasional vicious plant monster have hounded them across Europa. The wealth and influence of Cadavresbois reaches far, and his unrelenting will further still.