The Orphan Of Ages:GMCs:Rhea

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Clara Boyle

Rhea is a powerful, full on cult leader personality who preaches of the power of Gaia, the living spirit of motherhood. She leads the Daughters of Gaia, and even that is only an echo of what she was before the Whisper War.

She appears to be in her sixties, with a head of long gray hair. She is plump and has that grandmotherly glow that makes it hard even for full grown strangers not to listen to her, whether its words of comfort or sharp reprimands.

Rhea is increasingly a relic of a previous age, her visions of motherhood and what's important rooted somewhere in the ancient past, in a primal mystery, that modern feminism and sensibilities stand against. Maybe that's why she increasingly retreats into the comfort of her own followers. Or maybe she's just too old to run around the country.