Dayton Files:Notice

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One thing I hate in games is spot/notice rules, but then I also hate GM Fiat for what you observe. This is complicated by Fate Accelerated games not really having a good thing to represent observation skills. So instead, all approaches will be useable for noticing things and the type of information will change.

Not, Haste is usually going to be the least useful information. As an approach it is just not ideal for noticing things.


Immediately obvious: General information; the house has a red door; there are three people in the room sitting at the table with whiskey and money between them; the hallway is dark

Forceful: Hard Facts; the door is closed and looks solid; all look tough and were already looking your way when you entered; the light has been shattered and tile floor is littered with glass

Flare: Style and how well things fit in; the door doesn't really match the house and was probably added later; the people's clothing doesn't really fit them well and is bunched in weird places;

Intellect: Hollistic Details; the architecture indicates that the house probably has a basement and the door leads to an entry way; the room is poorly lit and the table's shadow obscures the people's legs;

Guile: Opportunistic details; there are windows at ground level that could be used for entry; the three people have there arms resting on the table and their hands are empty;

Haste: More general information; the house has two stories; the people are looking at you with irritation; you don't see any other entrances into the hallway in the dim light

Focus: Fine details; there are scuff marks on the door and a small dent, and the wood in the door frame is new; the table has scratch marks on top, they are sets of three parallel grooves, and the bottle of Jack Daniels is almost empty,