WTB Achievements
Experience rewards are in the amount per player. Each achievement can only be earned once. Credit is due to a number of 5E and SWN lists.
- First Step into a Larger World: Visit a new city, 50 COMPLETED
- Traveler: Visit a new province, 300
- Far Traveler: Visit a foreign nation, 500
- Tourist: Visit ancient ruins, 100
- Jaynestown: Have something significant named after you, 300
- I Solemnly Swear: Get a map, 50
- And Stay Out: Get kicked out of a public establishment, 50
- Friends in High Places: Formally ally with a faction, 300
- Enemies in High Places: Make an enemy of a faction, 300
- Carthago Delenda Est: Bring utter ruin to a city or people, 1,000
- New Prometheans: Bring a new province into the Bright Council, 1,000
- Trendsetting: Cause a major societal shift, 1,000
- Playing the Game: Form a faction, 1,000
- Building Your Brand: Make a long-term effort to promote the group's reputation, 500
- Private Eyes: Unravel a hidden plot, 500
- Objection!: Win a legal case, 300
- Remember Me?: Meet with a recurring villain, 50
- Karma: Experience revenge from an old enemy, 300
- Nothing to See Here: Make/take 10 bribes, 100
- Rise Above: Buy or build a skyship, 1,000
- Savings Account: Save 500 gold to a slush fund, 500
- One Percenters: Save 5,000 gold to a slush fund, 1,000
- Mission of Mercy: Deliver important medical supplies to a town or province, 300
- Incorporate: Establish a business, 300
- Back at the Lab: Build a magic item (as a project), 100
- We Spared No Expense: Go broke, 100
- Healer: Stabilize a PC, 50
- Consider Phlebas: Die, 300
- Kill an important antagonist with at least 5 PC levels, 300
- We Have the Theology: Bring somebody back from the dead, 500
- Butterfingers: Disarm an NPC, 50
- I'm in My Element: Explore and loot a dungeon, 50 COMPLETED
- Avatar, Master of the Elements: Explore and loot four dungeons, 300
- Shiny: Acquire a magic item, 50 COMPLETED
- Good Samaritan: Give away a significant find, 100
- The Other Half: Kill a dragon, 500
- Cardinal Sin: Split the party, 100
- We're on a Mission From God: Recieve divine direction, 100
- Can You do Me a Solid: Ask a deity for a favor, 300
- Defending the Faith: Defeat an opponent of your cult, 100
- Nailed It: Reform your cult, or a branch of it, 1,000
- Complete a major character goal, 1,000
- Experience a major shift in goals, 1,000
-Main Page: What Thunder Brings