Cotar Ardares Ara Muphrid

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The Cotar Fomas' Story

Cotar Fomas Ara Muphrid stood in the cupola of the assault sled, watching armored vehicles and armored men move through the streets in the town below. Radio chatter from squad and section leaders washed through her command headset like the sound of surf, but it was all routine - nothing to distract her from her worry. Unnoticed, her armored fingers drummed on the lip of the command hatch, beating out the tempo of a childhood hymn.

How many fools? she wondered. How many fools this time?

At last the sound of her Stentor pulled her back from her musings. "Cotar Fomas? The town is secure."

Muphrid glanced at the chronometer in her helmet visor - 12 minutes, 30 seconds. Not their best time, but certainly enough to warrant praise. She keyed her microphone.

"Good work Stentor. Report!"

"We have three wounded, no dead. Assault shuttle 2 caught some ground fire - techs estimate 2 hours before she can lift. A handfull of the heretics managed to break into the woods but I have B squad on that - they won't get far."

"And the rest?"

"We're rounding up the townsfolk now. The monks are going through them. Demo charges are being placed in the false chapel. And we took one of their priests alive."

Inwardly Muphrid cursed, but a Cotar Fomas is not allowed that sort of lack of control, so she replied "Very good. My compliments to the bretheren. Pass the word - I'm coming in."

She paused for a moment to allow time for the squad on perimeter duty to get notification that she was coming, then ordered her driver to move in. The assault sled rose smoothly on its contra-grav and slid down the hill and into the town, pulling up just short of the town square. There Muphrid could see the cotiere of White Monks, conspicuous in their alabaster Iron, overseeing the conversion of the shell shocked populous to the true faith. To her consternation, she also saw a dozen or so villagers under guard, separated from their fellows. With them, easily recognized in his red robes, a single priest.

Sudden anger filled her. Just what were these fools trying to accomplish? Did they not understand what had happened here? She clambered out of the assault sled and dropped to the ground, her armor clattering. Raising her visor, she moved to approach the group. The guards refrained from bowing - they knew their duty - but inclined their heads in respect.

"For those of you who do not know me, I am Cotar Fomas Ara Muphrid of the Order of the End of Knowledge. I am here to..."

"MURDERING HERETIC BITCH!" the priest screamed, lunging at her. One of the guards swatted him down with an Iron encased fist, and would have followed up with a bone crushing kick had Muphrid not restrained her.

"Stop! The war is over! Further fighting gains us nothing! These lands now belong to the Order of the End of Knowledge - that is fact, it is decided. We are the stronger, you the weaker. But we are strong because of our faith! A faith we wish to share! Please listen..."

The priest, crumpled upon the ground, wheezed through broken teeth, "Sacrilege! Heresy! Nonsensical free-will sophistry! The wheel spins because it has always spun, always will spin! Our lot is determined! Do not listen to her - remain brave in your faith!"

Why do I do this to myself? Muphrid wondered. It never works - it's just a waste. Why do I always try?

"Listen to me, all of you, please. Free will is not an illusion, it is fact! You demonstrate it here, yourselves - what meaning does your death have if its nature has already been determined? What valor in martyring yourselves if it is the universe that chooses, and not you? And yet you know in your hearts that what you are attempting has meaning, that it is important! Your very hearts cry out to you the true path, even as you CHOOSE to defy it! Do not be fools! Do not throw your lives away. This planet needs you! We must must all stand united as one! Join us, I beg you! Join us and be saved!"

It is always like this. Muphrid thought. Would a single one of them open their hearts and minds, I think I would spare the rest for the sheer joy of it - even that idiot priest. But they never do - this type is so wrapped up in their false ideology that they can't see the hypocracy in their actions.

She waited a full minute, then another, offering silent prayers that even one of the hold-outs would convert, but none did - none ever did. At last she turned away.


"Yes ma'am!" the Stentor trotted over.

"Are the wheels prepared?"

"Yes ma'am."

For just an instant she considered turning around, considered trying one more time. But would be a waste of time, and it would make her look weak in front of the troops, so she held herself rigid and kept her eyes locked on her Stentor's face.

"Very well. Secure them to the wheels and send the lot of them to the flames. Use burners, not kindling, and be quick about it. Lets not turn this into a circus."

The Stentor saluted and started gathering putting a detail together. Muphrid turned back to her assault sled.

As she climbed back into the cupola, a muffled explosion brought the chapel crashing to the ground.

Ara Muphrid was born on the planet Tansor - a world overseen by a splinter sect of the Mundus Humanitas known as the Order of the End of Knowledge. The Order differed from Mundus doctrine in that it preached the existence of free will. Soon after Ara's birth matters came to a head when the local Mundas Humanitas excommunicated the entire planet and declared a crusade against it. Ara's entire life centered around two things - religion and warfare, as the Mundus Humanitas slowly crushed Tansor. When total defeat seemed emminent, the Merchant League suddenly stepped in and negotiated an end to the conflict. The Order of the End of Knowledge was granted a large parcel of land on Nova Sparta, and given the right to practice its religion as it saw fit.

In truth, all Muphrid really wants is for her people to be free to practice their religion, and to defend the planet against exterior threats. She has litte knowledge of the Vaylen, however - when she worries about external threats she worries about the Mundus Humanitas. She also believes that the other sects on Nova Sparta will, sooner or later, attack the Order if they become sufficiently powerful. In truth she isn't really much interested in theology - she doesn't care what other sects believe. She doesn't think of them as heretics, simply as threats to the Order that must be crushed or suborned, with ruthless efficiency, before they become strong enough to threaten her people.

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