Boldly Going:Tiv th'Qysren

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  • Name: Tiv th'Qysren
  • Species: Andorian
  • Rank: Lt.Commander
  • Assignment: Head of Security
  • Stress: 15
  • Damage Bonus: 5


  • Andorian


  • If all else fails, violence is still an option
  • Starfleet is family
  • Together we can do anything
  • I will get you home safe


  • Control 10
  • Daring 10
  • Fitness 10
  • Insight 9
  • Presence 9
  • Reason 8


  • Command 3
  • Conn 2
  • Security 5
  • Engin 3
  • Science 2
  • Medicine 1


  • Jury Rigging
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Ship to Ship Combat
  • Xeno-Anthropology
  • Diplomacy
  • Threat Assessment


  • Ushann
  • Constantly Watching
  • Quick to Action
  • Dauntless


Home & Upbringing

Busy Colony

Rural (Rejected)

Tiv was born on the planet Weytahn, and his early life was entirely shaped by its bloody history. After terraforming was completed in the late 2050s, his clan were among the first settlers. They fought against the Vulcans during the first war, survived life in the refugee camps, followed Commander Shran when he retook the planet in 2152, and fought in the second war. Clan leaders even were present at the negotiations with Captain Archer, though not actively part of the discussions. Later the clan opposed the creation of the Federation, considering it a trick by their traditional enemies. Even now, the clan is prepared for a third war, having no faith in a lasting peace with Vulcans.

The clan is centered in a small town around a mine, now nearly tapped out, with additional members living in agricultural settlements in the surrounding area. There are almost no outsiders in the region, and it functions a fortified fiefdom. The scars of the wars have been iced over, and the isolation of the clan meant there was plenty of wild land to explore. For Tiv is was an idyllic childhood, with numerous siblings and cousins close by and near total freedom from adult interference. It was only as he grew into his teen years that the dark side of his clan's reactionary politics and militancy was revealed.

The kids played with carefully blunted blades and were taught the basics of self defense, but upon adolescence training for the expected war started in earnest. The scar across Tiv's face is the result of an accident, when a cousin misjudged a swing of an ushaan and nearly took his eye, but the many, mostly hidden, scars on his hands, arms, and upper body were the result of a training ideology that considered the painful injuries to be the most effective teaching tool available. In addition to the demands of school, religious practice, and combat training, the teens were expected to join there families in the hard labor necessary to keep the community going. In Tiv's case that meant the dangerous work of finding ore in the mostly emptied mine. There he gained a reputation for being particularly skilled at coaxing old and outdated machinery into continued working, the limited wealth of the clan being directed into weaponry rather than more peaceful purchases.

These hard years were when Tiv became fascinated with the traditions of other Andorian clans and the traditions of other species entirely, and also developed and affiliation with the ideals of Starfleet. What started as simple rebellion developed into sincere interest, and he spent many long hours trying to puzzle out the truth from his clan's biased histories. Despite his interest in the outside world and his growing aversion to the ideological zealotry that shaped the lives of his family and clan, the benefits of the genuinely close and loving connections and the deep history of his connection to home kept him there even once he reached 18.

However, shortly after his birthday and his attainment of adulthood, his parents revealed they had arranged a bond group for him, so that he and proposed partners could begin having children as soon as possible. He refused absolutely, and after several days of being alternately scolded and cajoled by every adult he knew for failing to consider the needs of the clan, he announced he was leaving Weytahn immediately. Several yelling matches later, he was on his way to Earth and Starfleet Academy.

Relations with his clan remain fraught, though he rarely actually argues with anyone about his future anymore, yet he maintains close contact with the extended family despite the tension. He and his immediate family have reached a truce on the subject of his life, and they talk regularly and try to manage so kind of visit at least once a year. His proposed bondmates were able to find another appropriate thaan and have had multiple children since, so they, at least, are glad he left rather than stay and make everyone in their family unit miserable.

Starfleet Academy

Majored in Security

Minored in Engineering

At Starfleet Tiv set out to learn everything he could about the galaxy, to try as many new things as possible, and to otherwise break out of his isolated upbringing. He considered majoring in engineering or even turning his interest in other cultures into his Starfleet focus, but quickly found that he genuinely enjoyed his security training now that he had the ability to choose his own path. Fit and athletic, Tiv also found a place on the Academy parrises squares team. His brusque demeanor and tendency to cover lack of knowledge of the galaxy beyond Weytahn with his well honed mask of cold indifference were fortunately sufficiently countered by his innate charisma and status an Academy sports star that he was able to socialize and even develop friendships with relative ease. Even as his years at the Academy progressed and he became genuinely comfortable there, he maintained a rigidly defined "working persona" that he only set aside when with close friends or in private.

Having definitively decided against bonding and parenthood, Tiv also set up to experience all of the "personal" options made possible by the tremendous blending of species and cultures at the Academy. Uncomfortable with the casual flirtations and physical affection that many of the cadets engaged in, and absolutely unwilling to consider any romantic attachments, Tiv nevertheless found it easy enough to arrange casual encounters and even long term non-monogamous and overlapping arrangements with friends. Those who did not know him well would have been shocked to find out the intensely focused, militant, and even unfriendly Andorian classmate was warm, affectionate, and even bawdy with close friends and lovers.

During his last year at Starfleet Tiv developed a friendship with an older human woman who regularly used the library at the same odd hours as he did. As time went on Susan took on a semi-maternal role in his life, easing the homesickness that constantly ate at Tiv, even as he reveled in being away from the confining society of his clan.

Career Events


Solved Engineering Crisis

Tiv met Susan

in which Tiv served as pilot/bodyguard for a Starfleet admiral/diplomat (human named Susan Pickering, but that could easily be changed for story hooks) on an officially unofficial trip to meet a Klingon Head of House above Nimbus III (2265, so two years before it becomes a symbol of friendship much less before it fails) who sent an offer to work with the Federation. It turned out he just wanted to use the Federation's power to defeat a rival house and didn't care at all about the wider implications of that kind of action. Afterwards they were hit by a stray round (from no identifiable source, so him, rival, or chance are all possibilities) and Tiv managed to save them both by rewiring life support and engine power around damaged systems before they both died of cold and lack of oxygen. Then her influence was how he came to be just promoted to Lieutenant Commander and made Head of Security at only 28, though she used it by putting him in the right place to shine rather than having him promoted without merit. He is aware of the fact it could be taken as a political appointment, so is particularly determined to prove himself. Please let me know if any/all of this is not going to work so I can come up with something else before I go to the effort of writing up a full background a second time. Thanks!



Tiv is lean and muscular, though relatively short for an Andorian (approximately 1.8 meters tall), with with medium blue skin, grey eyes, and upright, highly expressive antennae.

In addition to the deep facial scar from where he nearly lost an eye in a training accident as a teenager, Tiv has dozens of scars on his hands, arms, and upper body from healed ushaan cuts of various depths, as well as several minor burn scars from phaser injuries.


Tiv is brusque for an Andorian, though surprisingly charismatic nonetheless. When the situation is calm and everyone he is responsible safe, he is relaxed and even friendly. When stressed he gets progressively more snappish and impatient with those who wander off thoughtlessly into danger. He is not overtly aggressive or threatening in any way, firmly believing that violence - outside of training - should be a last resort only, and then brutally and decisively applied, but he is afraid of no one and always ready to fight. Of all of his values, the one that defines him most strongly is "I will get you home safe." If he has to make enemies to keep the crew alive and unharmed, then that is disappointing and unfortunate, but entirely acceptable.

However, with those he considers friends and outside the view of anyone else, Tiv's demeanor is entirely different. He is still not talkative, but he is warm, teasing, and frequently flirtatious. His approach to managing his private life is best summarized as "cheerfully slutty but incredibly discreet." He is prepared to try just about anything with nearly anyone, provided romance and exclusivity are entirely off the table. However, he is very careful not to get involved - no matter how casually - with anyone within his chain of command.