All That Glitters Is Red:Vox Populi

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Harmony and equality is the true state of all Kindred.

The Vox Populi - "Voice of the People" - are known as such for their aim in establishing a distinct and lasting harmony between the Kindred clans. However, it has been witnessed time and again that 'harmony' does not necessarily denote 'kind', 'peaceful', or 'willing'. They also seek limited rights for ghouls as well, such as guarantees of good treatment and healthcare. All matters are decided by majority vote, and upon being given the floor none are allowed to interrupt a covenant member until they are finished speaking.


  • Itward (Chancellor)
  • Fran Bow-Dagenhart
  • Smiling Jack
  • Kitty
  • Avery Darling

Covenant Hall: Mary King's Close