Shadows of the Dark Side/Hutt Space

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Kossak-class Frigate[edit]

Manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries for the Hutts' exclusive use, the Kossak-class frigate is widely used to defend their interests against pirates and rivals. Well shielded and armored, the class is armed with 12 medium turbolasers, 12 twin light laser cannons, 4 twin medium ion cannons, and 2 heavy tractor beams, and can support 3 shuttles and as many as 12 starfighters.

HH-87 Starhopper[edit]

A versatile starfighter manufactured by MandalMotors and predominantly used by elements of the criminal underworld, the Hutt and Zygerrian cartels in particular. Heavily armored for a ship of its size, the Starhopper is equipped with a Class 1 hyperdrive, a pair of light laser cannons, and a half-coverage deflector shield that can be angled fore or aft.


Durga Besadii Tai[edit]

A young and ambitious Hutt, Durga was born with a disfiguring birthmark over one eye. When his father Aruk was assassinated by the Desilijic a few years before the Battle of Yavin, the barely-adult Durga the Hutt allied himself with the Black Sun to gain revenge and secure his succession as leader of the Besadii. Now, in the aftermath of Jabba's death, he seeks to humble the Desilijic Clan even further, using his Black Sun connections to gain an advantage over his Hutt rivals.

Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo[edit]

Though an intelligent and capable crime lord in his own right, Gorga has been unable to maintain Desilijic's dominance over the Hutt Ruling Council without the power and influence of his late uncle Jabba, especially in the face of Durga's vendetta against their clan. If he could find the means, he would dearly like to maintain the position of authority in the Council that he and his uncle had achieved for the Desilijic Clan; failing that, he's willing to settle for holding onto his own Council seat and criminal empire in whatever new balance of power emerges.

Marlo Qunaalac Bronda[edit]

The vain, Sha'rellian toop-wearing Marlo leads the Qunaalac Clan, which retains many martial traditions from the ancient days of the Hutt Empire. It is Qunaalac forces that protect the Hutt throneworlds and Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, which all but guarantees their place at the Council; accordingly, Marlo generally remains neutral in interclan struggles, preferring to concentrate on outmaneuvering would-be usurpers from within his own clan. His main external concerns revolve around his involvement in the galactic slave trade, which may be threatened as idealistic former Rebels rise in power.

Bossato Gorensla Suuza[edit]

Bossato represents the Gorensla Clan, which is heavily involved in the running of galaxy's black markets. Part of the Council only since late in the Clone Wars (after the death of her predecessor Oruba), she is its second most junior member, senior only to Durga. However, she has aligned herself with the younger Hutt despite her relative seniority, hoping to take advantage of his drive and ride his tail to the top of Hutt society now that Jabba is dead.

Rotta Desilijic Kiirnu[edit]

Less than 40 standard years old, Jabba's son is, by Hutt standards of maturity, roughly on par with a Human 10-year-old, and much too young to inherit his father's seat on the Hutt Ruling Council. Having only a few salvaged scraps of his father's organization under his personal control, he is driven by a need for revenge against Leia Organa, to the extent that he is attempting to broker an alliance between his cousin Gorga and the True Empire.