Sample Lions
Akodo Bushi
Rank One – Student of Tactics
Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 2 (Agility 3), Water 3, Void 2.
Battle 4 (Mass Combat), Defense 3, Kenjutsu 3 (Katana), Kyujutsu 2, Lore: History 3, Storytelling 1.
Techniques: Way of the Lion. Kata: The Empire Rests On Its Edge (Lore: History)
Honor: 3.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Tactician, Contrary, Meddler.
Initiative: 3k2 Attack (Damage): 6k3+3, +3 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (6k2+3) TNtbH: 18
Rank Two – Respected Veteran
Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 3.
Battle 5 (Mass Combat), Defense 3, Kenjutsu 5 (Katana), Kyujutsu 3, Lore: History 3, Storytelling 1.
Techniques: Way of the Lion, Strength of Purity. Kata: The Empire Rests On Its Edge (Lore: History)
Honor: 3.6 Advantages/Disadvantages: Tactician, Contrary, Meddler.
Initiative: 4k2 Attack (Damage): 8k3+5, +3 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (6k2+3) TNtbH: 18
Rank Three – Valiant Commander
Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 4, Void 3.
Battle 5 (Mass Combat), Defense 5, Engineering 2, Etiquette 1, Horsemanship1, Kenjutsu 5 (Katana), Kyujutsu 3, Lore: History 5, Storytelling 1.
Techniques: Way of the Lion, Strength of Purity, Strength of My Ancestors. Kata: The Empire Rests On Its Edge (Lore: History)
Honor: 3.7 Advantages/Disadvantages: Tactician, Contrary, Meddler.
Initiative: 5k2 Attack (Damage): 8k3+5, +5 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (7k2+6) TNtbH: 20
Kitsu Shugenja
Rank One – Field Shugenja
Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 2, Water 3, Void 2.
Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Divination 1, Jiujutsu 1, Lore: Ancestors 3 (Lion Clan), Lore: History 2, Meditation 1, Medicine 3, Theology 2.
Technique/Spells Known: Ancestral Guidance/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Path to Inner Peace, Reversal of Fortunes, Wave-Borne Speed, By the Light of Lady Moon, Quiescence of Air, Earth’s Touch.
Honor: 3.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Friendly Kami, Precise Memory, Fascination (Spirit Realms), Haunted (3 pts), Idealistic.
Initiative: 4k3 Attack (Damage): 3k2 (3k1) TNtbH: 18
Rank Two – Priest of Bushido
Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 2, Water 3, Void 3.
Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Divination 1, Jiujutsu 3, Lore: Ancestors 3 (Lion Clan), Lore: History 3, Lore: Bushido 5, Meditation 1, Medicine 3 (Wound Treatment), Theology 2.
Technique/Spells Known: Ancestral Guidance/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Path to Inner Peace, Regrow the Wound, Reversal of Fortunes, Wave-Borne Speed, By the Light of Lady Moon, Quiescence of Air, Courage of the Seven Thunders, Earth’s Touch.
Honor: 3.7 Advantages/Disadvantages: Friendly Kami, Precise Memory, Fascination (Spirit Realms), Haunted (3 pts), Idealistic.
Initiative: 5k3 Attack (Damage): 5k2 (4k1) TNtbH: 18
Rank Three – Voice of the Ancestors
Air 3, Earth 3, Fire 2, Water 3, Void 3.
Battle 1, Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Divination 1, Jiujutsu 3, Lore: Ancestors 5 (Lion Clan), Lore: History 3, Lore: Bushido 5, Meditation 1, Medicine 3 (Wound Treatment), Storytelling 3 (Oratory), Theology 5.
Technique/Spells Known: Ancestral Guidance/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Hand of Jurojin, Path to Inner Peace, Regrow the Wound, Reversal of Fortunes, Wave-Borne Speed, By the Light of Lady Moon, Quiescence of Air, Courage of the Seven Thunders, Earth’s Touch, Slash of the Lion.
Honor: 4.3 Advantages/Disadvantages: Friendly Kami, Precise Memory, Fascination (Spirit Realms), Haunted (3 pts), Idealistic.
Initiative: 6k3 Attack (Damage): 5k2 (4k1) TNtbH: 18
Ikoma Omoidasu
Rank One – Wandering Storyteller
Air 2 (Awareness 3), Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 2 (Perception 3), Void 2.
Calligraphy 1, Courtier 3 (Gossip), Defense 2, Etiquette 2, Jiujutsu 2, Lore: History 3 (Lion Clan), Storytelling 3 (Bragging).
Techniques: Path of the River.
Honor: 3.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Precise Memory, Voice, Compulsion (The “Spotlight,” 2 points), Rumormonger.
Initiative: 3k2 Attack (Damage): 5k3 (2k1) TNtbH: 10
Rank Two – The Lion’s Roar
Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 2.
Calligraphy 1, Courtier 3 (Gossip), Defense 5, Etiquette 2, Jiujutsu 2, Lore: History 3 (Lion Clan), Storytelling 4 (Bragging).
Techniques: Path of the River, The Current’s Pull.
Honor: 3.8 Advantages/Disadvantages: Precise Memory, Voice, Compulsion (The “Spotlight,” 2 points), Rumormonger.
Initiative: 5k3 Attack (Damage): 5k3 (3k1) TNtbH: 20
Rank Three – Talekeeper of the Court
Air 4, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 3.
Battle 1, Calligraphy 1, Courtier 3 (Gossip), Defense 5, Etiquette 2, Jiujutsu 2, Lore: History 3 (Lion Clan), Storytelling 5 (Bragging, Oratory).
Techniques: Path of the River, The Current’s Pull, Brilliant Glory.
Honor: 4.2 Advantages/Disadvantages: Precise Memory, Voice, Compulsion (The “Spotlight,” 2 points), Rumormonger.
Initiative: 6k3 Attack (Damage): 5k3 (3k1) TNtbH: 25
Matsu Berserker
Rank One – Fanatical Bushi
Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 2 (Agility 3), Water 3 (Strength 4), Void 2.
Battle 1, Iaijutsu 1, Jiujutsu 3, Kenjutsu 4 (Katana), Kyujutsu 2, Lore: History 3.
Techniques: The Lion’s Roar. Kata: The Empire Rests On Its Edge (Lore: History)
Honor: 3.5 Advantages/Disadvantages: Bishamon’s Blessing, Death Trance, Fleet, Brash, Idealistic, Overconfident.
Initiative: 3k2 Attack (Damage): 7k3+4, +3 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (7k2+3) TNtbH: 15
Rank Two – Vengeful Warrior
Air 2, Earth 2, Fire 3, Water 3 (Strength 4), Void 3.
Battle 1, Iaijutsu 2, Jiujutsu 3, Kenjutsu 5 (Katana), Know the School: Kakita Bushi 1, Know the School: Moto Bushi 1, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: History 5.
Techniques: The Lion’s Roar, Matsu’s Fury. Kata: The Empire Rests On Its Edge (Lore: History)
Honor: 3.3 Advantages/Disadvantages: Bishamon’s Blessing, Death Trance, Fleet, Brash, Idealistic, Overconfident.
Initiative: 4k2 Attack (Damage): 8k3+5, +5 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (7k2+3) TNtbH: 15
Rank Three – Battlefield Fury
Air 2, Earth 3, Fire 3, Water 4, Void 3.
Athletics 1, Battle 5, Iaijutsu 2, Jiujutsu 3, Kenjutsu 5 (Katana), Know the School: Kakita Bushi 1, Know the School: Moto Bushi 1, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: History 5.
Techniques: The Lion’s Roar, Matsu’s Fury, The Lion’s Charge. Kata: The Empire Rests On Its Edge (Lore: History)
Honor: 3.9 Advantages/Disadvantages: Bishamon’s Blessing, Death Trance, Fleet, Brash, Idealistic, Overconfident.
Initiative: 5k2 Attack (Damage): 8k3+5, +5 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (7k2+6) TNtbH: 15
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